
出版时间:2005-10  出版社:东北大学出版社  作者:余斌[等]主编  页数:120  字数:219000  




全国公共英语等级考试(PETS)简介PETS第四级考试说明第一单元  计算机与信息第二单元  经济第三单元 伟人第四单元  风俗习惯第五单元 城市第六单元  高等教育第七单元  文学与艺术第八单元  语言与交际第九单元  环境第十单元 地理第十一单元 文化第十二单元  科学与技术全国公共英语等级考试第四级模拟试题全国公共英语等级考试第四级模拟试题参考答案听力录音原文


  Will Water Shortage Trouble Human Kind?  Water is such valuable resource that man cannot exist without it.Human body can on-  ly endure certain period of water shortage with no serious damage inflicted to the body or-  gans.Beyond that limitation,people will face dehydration,which can result in permanent  damage to certain body organs or ultimate death.Human being can only survive in places  where water sources could be found.S0,no water,no life.  As the world population soars to more than 6 billion and different kinds of industries  develop faster,human beings now need much more water than ever.Furthermore,the in-  creasing water pollution worldwide and the uneven distribution of the water resources also  make water shortage a more urgent issue to be solved before the whole human kindS exis-  tence is endangered.  Many countries,developed or underdeVeloped,arc now enforcing strict environmental  policies to relieve and finally solve the water pollution problem.The development of scien-  tific technologies can also give people new methods of keeping water clean and probing for  new water resources.Moreover,every person can do his own contribution by having a  good habit of saving every dip of water.Hopefully,with all efforts combined,man will  face a brighter future.



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