
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:[英] L.G.亚历山大 编  页数:77  字数:120000  


本教材以语法为基础,注重大量扩充日常生活词汇,授课、练习及写作训练遵循一套设计合理而完善的基本程序。  学生用书每级各由30课组成,每课集中于一个基本语法点,并将听力训练和阅读内容与口语操练内容分置于左右页,清晰明确,有利于老师和学生针对不同的重点进行强化训练。各级难度秩序渐进,坡度平缓,符合中小学生的学习心理和习惯。学完6册学生用书,学生词汇量可达1200词,能掌握英语语言中的所有基本语法点,听懂简单的会话和故事,并能用所学词汇进行日常交际,而教材的5、6级中增加的阅?课更是有助于增长学生的科学知识,开阔视野。  本套教材取材于日常生活,语言地道、风趣而又实用。此外,课本配有生动活泼的插图,制作精美,色彩明快,可以在视觉上吸引学生的注意力,进一步强化学习效果。本套教材将成为少儿学习英语的良师益友。


Lesson1 Do you have some…?Lesson2 he has a lou of buttons!Lesson3 l need a piece of chalk.Lesson4 They usually go to bed earlyLesson5 On monday…Lesson6 He often forgets thingsLesson7 She usually reads a bookLesson8 Today they re watching TV.Lesson9 Today she s walkingLesson10 Whats the weather like?Lesson11 It s very cloudyLesson12 What are we going to do?Lesson13 I m going to take it…Lesson14 I m going to weigh myselfLesson15 He sounds terrible!Lesson16 It looks like cementLesson17 What does he look like?Lesson18 Dan has the fluLesson19 Dan should take this medicineLesson20 Don t park hereLesson21 Have some meat DanLesson22 You should have a haircutLesson23 Katie s having english classLesson24 It was in this boxLesson25 Where were we yesterday?Lesson26 They were hereLesson27 L was there in 1960Lesson28 We were at the dentistsLesson29 There were a lot of cookiesLesson30 Were you at the doctor s?附录1  课文参考译文附录2  词汇表


  《看、听、学》(3L)作者、国际著名英语教育专家L.G.Alexander又一力作  授课、练习及书写训练遵循一套设计合理而完善的基本程序  以语法为基础,注重大量扩充日常生活词汇  循序渐进,坡度平缓,符合中小学生的学习心理和习惯  增长知识,开阔视野,提高语言技能



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