
出版时间:2002-7  出版社:中国传媒大学出版社  作者:罗曼・罗兰  页数:250  


在印度人眼中,甘地是“圣雄”,是“国父”。是民族的光荣,是人类历史上难得的伟人。邱吉尔说他是“光膀子的苦行僧”。罗曼·罗兰给了他“神圣的骡子”封号。在甘地八十年生命进而,他追求真理,探索未知。他主张“非暴力”的抗争方式。他弘扬“真理的力理”理念 。他提倡“不合作”运动,他细细的嗓音和慈祥的微笑,唤起了一个新的世界,印芳终于走出黑暗,重获自由。






  The resemblance between the twomen is greatest,or perhaps Tolstoi’S in-fluence has been strongest,in their con-demnation of European and 0ceidental  civilization.  Ever since Rousseau ourWesterncivilization has been attacked by thefreest and broadest minds of Europe.when Asia began to wake to a realiza-tion of her own Power and revoltagainst Western oppression,she hadonh,to peer into Europe’S oxvn files tocompile formidable records of the ini-quity of her SO-ealled civilized invaders.Gandhi did not fail to do SO,and in his  “Hind Swaraj”he cites a list of books,many of which were written by Eng-lishmen,condemning European civiliza-tion. But the document to which therecan beno rejoinder is that whichEurope herself has traced in the life-blood of races oppressed and despoiledin the name of lying principles and,above all, in the brazen revelation ofEuropes lies, greed, and ferocity asunfolded during the last war, called the“War for Civilization.” And in itEurope sank to such depths that in herinsanity she even invited the peoples ofAsia and Africa to contemplate her  nudity. They saw her and judged her.  The last war has shown as nothing elsehas theSatanic1natureofthecivilizationthat dominates Europe to-day. Everycanon of public morality has been broken bythe victors in the name of virtue. No liehas been considered too foul to be uttered.  The motive behind every crime is not re-ligious or spiritual but grossly material...Europe to-day is only nominally Christian.In reality it is worshipping Mammon.2  You will find sentiments such asthese expressed again and again, duringthe last five vears, both in India and 1 A term often used by Gandhi. “Untouchability  is an invention of Satan.” (June 19, 1921.)2 September 8, 1920. Japan. Leaders too prudent to voicethem openly show by their attitude thatsuch is their inmost conviction. Thisis not the least disastrous result of the:Pyrrhic victory of 1918.  Gandhi, however, had seen the realface of Western civilization lonbefore1914. It had revealed itself to him un-masked during his twenty years cam-paign in South Africa, and in 1908, inhis "Hind Swaraj," he calls moderncivilization the "great vice."  Civilization, says Gandhi, is civiliza-tion in name only. In reality it corres-ponds to what ancient Hinduism calledthe dark ages. It has set material well-being up as the only goal of life. Itscorns spiritual values. It maddensEuropeans, leads them to worshi money only, and prevents them fromfinding peace or cultivating the bestwithin them. Civilization in the West-ern sense means hell for the weak andfor the working classes. It saps the  vitality of the race. But this Sataniccivilization will destroy itself. West-ern civilization is Indias real enemy,much more than the English, who, in-dividually, are not bad, but simply suf-fer from their civilization. Gandhicriticizes those of his compatriots whowould want to drive out the English, todevelop India themselves, and civilizeher according to European standards.This, he says, would be like having thenature of a tiger without the tiger. In-dias aim should be to repudiate West-ern civilization.  In his arraignment of Western civi-lization Gandhi scores three categoriesof men particularly: magistrates, doc-tors, and teachers.  Gandhis objection to teachers isquite comprehensible, since they havebrought the Hindus up to scorn orneglect their own language and to dis-own their real aspirations; in fact, theteachers in India have inflicted a sortof national degradation on the school-children in their charge. Besides,Western teachers appeal to the mindonly; they neglect the education of theheart and of the character. Finally,they depreciate bodily labor, and tospread a purely literary education in acountry where eighty per cent of thepopulation is agricultural and ten percent industrial is positively criminal.  The profession of magistrate is im-moral. In India the courts are an in-strument of British domination; theyencourage dissensions among Indians,and in a general way they foster and in-crease misunderstanding and animosity.They stand for a fattening, lucrativeexploitation of the worst instincts.  As for the medical profession,Gandhi admits he was attracted to it atfirst, but he soon realized it was not hon-orable. For Western medical scienceisconcerned with giving relief to suf-fering bodies only. It does not striveto do away with the cause of sufferingand disease, which, as a rule, is nothingbut vice. In fact, Western medical sci-ence may almost be said to encouragevice by making it possible for a manto satisfy his passions and appetites atthe least possible risk. It contributes,therefore, to demoralize people; itweakens tkeir will-power by helpingthem to cure themselves with "blackmagic" prescriptions instead of for-cing them to stregthen their characterby disciplinary rules for body and soulIn opposition to the false medical sci-ence of the West, which Gandhi has of a It should not be forgotten that one of Gandhrsmain arguments against the medical scienco ofEurope Is its use of vivisection, which he brandsas mans blackest crime."  ……


  编者的话  《名人名传丛书》是一大型文化建设工程,在其起步之初,编者,有话告之于读者:  历史是无数人物之传记。史源于事,事源于人;无人则无事,无事则无史。马克思、恩格斯有言:“历史不过是追求着自己目的的人的活动而已。”评述“追求着自己目的的人的活动”,即成传记;解读传记,因而即是解读历史。无数人物之传记构成为历史,于无数人物之传记之外另求一历史,则无历史矣。  传记是传主成败得失之记录。传记讲解传主之成败得失,名传讲解名人之成败得失。讲善恶可也,讲贤不肖可也,讲毁誉可也,但均不及讲智愚、讲成败得失来得根本。名人之跌倒与爬起、之挫败与新生,其中之“一阴一阳之道”,正是后人入世立足之航标灯、之后车鉴、之警示牌。解读传记,尤其是解读名人之传记,恰如为自己“主政”请来无数大智大勇之“垂帘听政者”。  名人所作之传记是人文之精华。名人为名人作传,恰如“酒逢知已”、“棋逢对手”,一举一动,一言一行,均了然于心,尽在不言中。凡人为名人作传,所以不能上境界,在凡人无以跟上名人之大智大意;名人为名人作传,所以能动人心弦,在名人可以看穿名人之背后,从而能对传主之成败得失,达致“同情之了解”。酒不逢知己,酒而无味;棋不逢对手,棋而无趣。读者犹如旁观者,看两强之打斗,自可以锻炼自己、提高自己,而向名人靠近一小步。名人为名人作传,记录名人之成败得失,从而也就记录了历史。吾人解读名人所作名人之传记,读懂名人之成败得失,从而也就读懂了历史。  基于以上认识,《名人名传丛书》将尽可能发掘、整理名人所撰名人之传记。在近年内,将推出中文版名人名传100种、英文版名人名传100种,每种均在原文字基础上,配以精美插图,以收图文并茂、相得益彰之效。此工程而能完工,将是中国文化建设史上的一件大事。  《名人名传丛书》由名人传记文化研究中心编辑。该中心在编辑现有名人名传的同时,亦准备推出名人文集和名人研究系列,欢迎赐稿。  联系地址:北京西城区德外五路通街Q9号院2号楼 名人传记文化研究中心






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