
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:克鲁恩  页数:145  


戴安娜王妃36岁就香消玉殒,在其短暂的一生中,她感动过成千上万的人。戴安娜把慈善事业当作自己的使命,她全身洋溢着迷人的魅力,她热爱芸芸众生,这些使她备受人民的爱戴。不过,她的生活并不总是充满阳光。嫁入英王室之后,这位威尔士王妃终因来自显赫地位的压力以及媒体的过多关注而患上了严重的忧郁症,在与压力、贪食症以及不幸的婚姻作斗争的同时,戴安娜把她的全部精力都投入了对两位王子的抚养以及对慈善事业的追求之上。    这本传记讲述了这位威尔士王妃高贵的出身、富裕的童年、破裂的家庭、浪漫的爱情、不幸的婚姻以及最终夺取她生命的车祸事故。






书摘12岁的戴安娜·斯宾塞    湛蓝色的双眸“恍恍惚惚”,她又在憧憬未来了。戴安娜就读于英格兰肯特郡的西希斯学校。刚才,一位同学问她长大后想干什么。戴安娜回答道:“当一名舞蹈家,或者威尔士王妃。”    戴安娜并非白日做梦。也许,对大部分人来说,成为王妃是遥不可及的事,对她而言却不是。戴安娜系出名门,祖辈是享有特权的英王室官员,享有世代相传的爵位。    戴安娜的一位先人斯宾塞伯爵一世是15世纪欧洲最富有的羊商之一,他在伦敦北部购置了一大座房产,命名为奥尔索普。伯爵一世去世之后,伯爵二世继承了房产。戴安娜的祖父是伯爵七世。他逝世后,将由戴安娜的父亲继承这一爵位。    1961年,戴安娜的双亲——“强尼”爱德华·约翰·斯宾塞和弗朗西斯·露斯·博克·罗奇·斯宾塞(人们往往比较熟悉他们的官衔——奥尔索普子爵和奥尔索普夫人)正急切地等待着第三个孩子的降生。如果是个男孩,那么他将继承斯宾塞伯爵的爵位并享有这个头衔所附带的所有特权。    1961年7月1日这一天,英格兰东部诺福克附近的山均汉姆堡上空,艳阳高照。空气中热浪滚滚,缕缕轻风送来阵阵紫色石楠花的芬芳。傍晚时分,在斯宾塞家的住宅——帕克庄园楼上的一间卧室里,戴安娜·弗朗西斯·斯宾塞出世了。女婴重7磅12盎司,发色金黄,健康而强壮。强尼和弗朗西斯都很爱这个新生的女儿,不过私底下,他们还是有点失望,因为他们一直盼望能生个儿子。戴安娜已经有两个姐姐了,一个6岁,叫莎拉,另一个4岁,叫简。假如强尼和弗朗西斯不生个儿子来继承香火的话,那么总有一天他们家的爵位以及巨额的财富都将由戴安娜的一位表兄继承。    因为一直期望生儿子,所以夫妇俩甚至没有为婴儿准备女孩的名字。直到一周后,戴安娜才有了名字。戴安娜曾说过,“他们希望我是个男孩。”    帕克庄园二楼的一间奶油色卧室成了小宝宝的婴儿房。窗外,一条碎石子铺就的车道蜿蜒穿行在方圆两万英亩的庄园内,远处碧绿的田野里牛群在悠闲地吃草,美丽的花园中群芳斗妍,茂密的树林里处处有狐狸、兔子等小动物的身影。在这个给人印象至深的庄园里,还有马厩、网球场和仆人们住的小屋。家务由6名仆人操持。    斯府旁边就是同在这个庄园里的英格兰女王伊丽莎白二世的乡间别墅。每年,女王都要来这里消磨几个星期的时光。    每天早上,在帕克庄园的底楼,家庭教师“阿莉”——格特鲁德·艾伦都要给莎拉、简和几个邻家小孩上课。一位名叫朱迪思·帕内尔的保姆负责照看戴安娜。下午放学以后,莎拉和简都争先恐后地照料小妹妹。为她换“尿片”,洗澡,逗她玩,正如女仆所说的:“好像她是个布娃娃一样。”每天午饭后,保姆都要把戴安娜放在一个大大的老式黑色婴儿车里,推她出去散步。戴安娜最早的记忆就是躺在舒适的童车里四处闲游的情景。    1964年5月,戴安娜的弟弟查尔斯出生了。全家人都非常振奋。祖先的爵位和奥尔索普庄园终于后继有人了。查尔斯旋即受到了“皇家礼遇”。他在威斯敏斯特大教堂受洗,英国女王是他的教母之一。    1965年,戴安娜兴高采烈地开始和姐姐们一起上课。起初,戴安娜热衷于一些剪剪贴贴和画画的活动。接下来的两年里,她开始学习认字和写字。当姐姐们到室外玩耍的时候,戴安娜也亦步亦趋地跟在后面。帕克庄园里的保姆回忆道:“戴安娜自然想和姐姐们一起玩耍,然而,最初这引起了姐姐们的不满,因为她们不想和一个比自己小得多的小丫头一起玩。”    戴安娜和查尔斯最亲密。“她宠他,把他当作布娃娃来逗弄,一切都像当初两个姐姐对待她那样。”阿莉说,“她一会给他穿衣服,一会又替他脱了,然后又从头开始,不过,小查尔斯似乎一点都不介意。”    每天晚上,妈妈都要哄戴安娜睡觉,“每天晚上,她总要由人搂着,听完故事才能入睡,”斯家的一位仆人如是说。不过,虽然强尼和弗朗西斯会花一些时间陪陪孩子们,但孩子们见到他们的时候并不多,相反,他们大多数时候都是由保姆和家庭教师在照顾。“孩子们与父母保持着一定距离,这是特权阶级由来已久的一种抚养孩子的方式。”戴安娜的弟弟后来说。    和许多贵族家庭的孩子们一样,戴安娜必须学习如何自律、如何表现得优雅且有礼貌。她学会了如何在社交场合表现得体。淘气的行为,尤其是在公共场合,是不允许的。因此,她学会了时刻控制、掩饰自己的情绪。不过,6岁的时候,戴安娜就认识到生活中有些事情是她自己无法控制的。    TWELVE-YEAR-OLD DIANA SPENCER'S SKY BLUE EYES had a "faraway look." She was daydreaming again. A classmate  at West Heath School in Kent, England, had just asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. "I would love to be a dancer," said Diana. "Or, the Princess of Wales."    Diana wasn't just dreaming. Becoming a princess may have seemed out of reach to most people, but not to her. Diana hailed from one of Great Britain's most noble families. Her ancestors had been special of- ricers of the English royal family and had held official titles. These titles were passed from generation to generation.    One of Diana's ancestors was the first Earl Spencer. In the fifteenth century, he was one of the wealthiest i31 sheep traders in Europe. Earl Spencer bought a vast estate north of London called Althorp. The estate was passed to the next Earl Spencer when the first one died. Diana's grandfather was the seventh Earl Spencer. When he died, Diana's father would inherit the title.    In 1961, Diana Spencer's parents, Edward John "Johnnie" Spencer and Frances Ruth Burke Roche Spencer (known by their official titles as Viscount and Lady Althorp), eagerly awaited the birth of their third child. If the baby were a boy, he too would someday inherit the title of Earl Spencer and all its privileges.    On July 1, 1961, a brilliant summer sun shone over the stately Spencer mansion, Park House, on the huge Sandringham estate in Norfolk in eastern England. The air was hot, and a slight wind carried the scent of purple heather. Late that afternoon, in an upstairs bedroom at Park House, Diana Frances Spencer was born. At seven pounds twelve ounces, the blonde baby was healthy and strong. Johnnie and Frances loved their new daughter, but, privately, they were disappointed. They had hoped for a son. Diana had two sisters, Sarah, age six, and Jane, age four. If Johnnie and Frances didn't produce a male heir, the lofty title and valuable property would one day go to a male cousin.    Because the Spencers had hoped for a boy, they hadn't even consid- ered a girl's name for the baby. Diana did not have a name until a week after her birth. "I was the girl who was supposed to be a boy," said Diana.    Baby Diana's cream-colored nursery was in a bedroom on the sec- ond floor of Park House. Beyond the nursery window, a gravel drive wound through the twenty-thousand-acre estate, highlighting a view of cattle grazing in distant green fields, pretty parks carpeted with flowers, and a thick forest full of animals, such as foxes and rabbits. Horse stables also stood on the impressive estate, as well as a tennis court and staff cottages. Six servants kept the Spencer household running.    Next door to the Spencer's house on the same estate stood a country home belonging to Queen Elizabeth 1I -- the queen of England. Each year, the queen spent a few weeks at her country home.    Downstairs at Park House each morning, a governess, Gertrude  "Ally" Alien, taught school to Sarah, Jane, and several neighbor children. A nanny, Judith Parnell, cared for Diana. In the afternoon, when school was over, Sarah and Jane showered baby Diana with attention. They changed her "nappies" (diapers), bathed her, and treated her, as a maid said, "as if she were their own living doll." Each day after lunch, the nanny took Diana for a stroll in a big old-fashioned black pram, a type of baby carriage. Diana's very first memory was of riding in that springy carriage.    In May 1964, Diana's brother, Charles, was born. The family wasthrilled. Finally they had a boy, an heir to the title of earl and the Althorpfortune. Immediately, Charles received the "royal treatment." He was baptized in Westminster Abbey. The queen of England is one of his godmothers.    In 1965, Diana happily joined her sisters at the Park House school.At first, Diana enjoyed cutting, pasting, and drawing. Over the next twoyears, she learned to read and write. When her sisters played outdoors,Diana liked to tag along. "Diana quite naturally wanted to be part of herelder sisters' fun, and that caused some resentment at fast, because thetwo older girls simply didn't want a child quite younger than they weretrying to take part in their games," remembered a Park House nanny.    Diana was especially close to Charles. "She adored her baby brotherCharles and treated him just like a doll, in the same way her sisters hadtreated her," said Ally. "She would dress him in clothes, and undresshim and then start again, but he didn't seem to mind too much."    Each night, Diana's mother tucked her in at bedtime. "She wouldalways be there in the evening for cuddles and bedtime stories," said ahousehold servant. But although Johnnie and Frances spent some timewith the children, they were very much in the background. Instead, nan-nies and a governess did most of the child care. "It was a privileged upbringing out of a different age, a distant way of living from your parents,"Diana's brother later said.    Like most children of aristocratic families, Diana was taughtdiscipline, poise, and manners. She learned how to act in social situations. Naughty behavior, especially in public, was forbidden. And she learned that her emotions should always be controlled and kept private. But at age six, Diana was about to learn that some things in life were simply out of her control.    P6-11






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  •   喜欢戴安娜王妃
  •   看了戴安娜的生平事迹,还有英文不错~
  •   课外阅读,还不错.既学习了英语,又了解了王妃.
  •   虽说文章适合学生读,但对40岁的我,非常喜欢。
  •   给朋友买的,她很喜欢,送货员人挺好
  •   afdsafa
  •   中英文对照,就是内容有点简单,不能全面了解戴安娜。
  •   哦,,戴安娜
  •   中英对照,挺好的。
  •   质量一般吧,内容很简单,大体介绍了她的一生,不过也不错。
  •   书薄,好携带,提高英语很有帮助
  •   还不错,很好看。
  •   不错的书,很易读。
  •   因为爱她所以爱这本书希望多买一些关于她的书
  •   比较喜欢这个人物,如果不是需要还是建议买传记。书,不错
  •   这本书通俗易懂,图片清晰。对于喜爱戴安娜的人来说很好
  •   很不错,语言浅显易懂,适合语言学习
  •   很好,适合小孩子读。
  •   书的质量很不错。。。
  •   书印刷质量不错,就是书页有点摺~
  •   反正当时是凑满29块钱的,我喜欢戴安啊,书的质量一般,因为价钱在那啊,还不错了
  •   挺好的。可以提高英语阅读水平。
  •   不详细,不好看 小孩看的
  •   买来练阅读的汉语翻译一般,就是在英文不理解时做个辅助吧
  •   这是我比较喜欢的人物传记,纸质挺好
  •   对戴安娜的一生穿了一条线。虽然只是薄薄的一本,但是很精华,英语部分也很地道
  •   如题,不是很吸引人
  •   内容不长,着重于介绍戴安娜幼年生活,英文部分感觉浅显易懂。

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