
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:中国海洋大学出版社  作者:杨连瑞 编  页数:231  


  何谓英语词汇学?不少学生误以为,英语词汇学就是“学英语词汇”,把词汇学与市面上的各种词汇学习记忆手册联系起来。其实,英语词汇学是高校英语专业一门语言学基础专业理论课程,它运用现代语言学的有关理论,研究英语语言中的词汇问题。  由杨连瑞主编的《新编英语词汇学》共有十章,在参考以上专著及教材优点的基础上,以现代语言学理论为指导,以英语词汇为研究对象,内容主要涉及现代英语词汇的形态结构、构成方式、内容、发展变化、词的形式和内容的关系、词汇之间的意义关系、词汇的语义特征、词的联想和搭配、习语、美国英语词汇等,并附有词汇学专业术语英汉对照表。


Chapter I Introduction1.1 What Is Lexicology?1.2 English Lexicology and Its Relation to Other Disciplines1.3 Methods of Study1.4 Aims and Significance of the CourseExercisesChapter 2 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary2.1 Definition of a Word2.2 Sound and Meaning2.3 Sound and Form2.4 Vocabulary2.5 Classification of WordsExercisesChapter 3 The Developing English Vocabulary3.1 The Indo-European Language Family3.2 A Historical Overview of the English Vocabulary3.3 Growth of Present-Day English Vocabulary3.4 Modes of Vocabulary DevelopmentExerciseChapter 4 Morphological Structure and Word-Formation4.1 The Concept of Morpheme and the Types of Morphemes4.2 The Three Major Processes of Word-Formation4.3 The Minor Processes of Word-FormationExercisesChapter 5 Ward Meaning, Polysemy and Homonymy5.1 Motivation5.2 Main Types of Word Meaning5.3 Componential Analysis and Semantic Features5.4 Polysemy5.5 HomonymyExercisesChapter 6 Sense Relations Between Words6.1 Synonymy6.2 Antonymy6.3 Hyponymy6.4 Semantic FieldExercisesChapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning7.1 Causes of Changes in Word Meaning7.2 Four Tendencies in Semantic Change7.3 Semantic Changes Resulting from the Figurative Use of WordsExercisesChapter 8 Meaning and Context8.1 Types of Contexts8.2 The Role of Context in Deciding Word Meaning8.3 How to Guess Word Meaning from ContextExercisesChapter 9 English Idioms9.1 Definition of Idioms9.2 Sources of English Idioms9.3 Classification of English Idioms9.4 Syntactic, Structural and Stylistic Features9.5 Beware of Translation TrapsExercisesChapter 10 American English10.1 Growth of American English10.2 Characteristics of American English10.3 Differences Between British and American English10.4 ConclusionExercisesAppendix English-Chinese Lexicology TermsBibliography



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