
出版时间:2008-11  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:王艳 主编  页数:160  


  “新世界商务英语系列教材”是对外经济贸易大学出版社与对外经济贸易大学、东北财经大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海财经大学、上海对外贸易学院等院校联手推出的一套面向不同层次的、涵盖不同模块的商务英语系列立体化教材。  本套教材面向三个层次:研究生、本科和高职高专。研究生层次的商务英语适用于全国各高等院校商务英语方向以及财经类专业的硕士研究生。整体思路贯彻《研究生英语教学大纲》和《考试大纲》,适应全国研究生英语教学发展的新要求。本套全国高等院校研究生商务英语系列教材由阅读教程、翻译教程、写作教程、听说教程以及配套多媒体课件组成。  本科层次的商务英语教材适用于全国各高等院校英语专业的商务英语方向和国际贸易、国际经济、国际工商管理等商科专业的学生。






Chapter 1  Government and TradeChapter 2  Products and PricingChapter 3  Advertising and PublicityChapter 4  International Business CooperationChapter 5  Accounting and Financial ManagementChapter 6  Finance and SecuritiesChapter 7  Business EnvironmentChapter 8  Business StrategyChapter 9  Human Resource ManagementChapter 10  Operations Management and InnovationChapter 11  Information Technology and E-commerceChapter 12  Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility


  Chapter 1  Government and Trade  Background Introduction  In the post World War lI era the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, or GATT,was an agreement that prompted regular negotiations among a growing body of members toreduce tariffs (import taxes) on imported goods on a reciprocal basis. During each of theseregular negotiations, ( eight of these rounds were completed between 1948 and 1994 ),countries promised to reduce their tariffs on imports in exchange for concessions, or tariffs eductions, by other GATT members. When the most recent completed round was finished in1994, the member countries succeeded in extending the agreement to include liberalization romises in a much larger sphere of influence. Now countries would not only lower tariffs on oods trade, but would begin to liberalize agriculture and services market. They would liminate the many quota systems —— like the multi-fiber agreement in clothing —— that had prouted up in previous decades. And they would agree to adhere to certain mimimums an ards to protect intellectual property rights such as patents, trademarks and copy ights.The WTO was created to manage this system of new agreements, to provide a forum for egular discussion of trade matters and to implement a well-defined process for settling trade isputes that might arise among countries.





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