
出版时间:2010-2  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:王瑞昀 编  页数:277  


  进入大众化教育以来,中国高等学校英语专业的培养目标和培养模式日趋多样化。其标志性变化就是传统的英语语言文学专业裂变成商务英语专业和翻译专业,从而形成了英语、商务英语和翻译三足鼎立的局面。虽然国内学者仍就这三个专业的共同性和差异性争论不休,但是教育部批准设立上述专业,既是顺应社会经济发展对各种英语人才需要的体现,也反映出单纯的英语语言文学专业人才的需求在减少。截止目前,已有上海对外贸易学院、对外经贸大学、广东外语外贸大学等7所高校被正式批准招收商务英语专业的学生,众多高校还在积极申请开办这一新专业。此外,据不完全统计,全国有500多所高校开设了商务英语课程。这些事实说明商务英语专业发展趋势良好,前景广阔。  众所周知,不管英语专业如何裂变,必须要让学生打好语言基本功,掌握听说读写译的技能,只有这样才能进行语言交际。交际法认为,人们对语言的掌握是在交际过程中“习得”的。语言交际的环境越真实,就越能够掌握有效的交际能力。有鉴于此,学习真实的语言交际材料,尤其是商务语境下的语言材料,就能够缩短课堂教学与实际生活、工作的差距,学以致用,进行有效的商务沟通。基于这种认识,我们试图打破传统教材先学“阳春白雪”的语言,然后再进行商务“嫁接”的模式,而是从一开始就让学生置身于商务语境,学习商务基础理论和知识,直接进行商务实践的训练,从而为将来的职场竞争打好基础。实践证明,直接学习商务英语教材而不是基础英语,也能打好语言的基本功。据调查,许多普通高校英语(商务英语方向)专业的学生直接学习商务英语教材,四八级通过率依然分别保持在98%和85%以上,商务英语专业学生的就业率一直在99%以上,比其他相关专业学生更具竞争力。


《商务英语综合教程》共分四册,每册12个单元,内容包括经济、管理、国际法和跨文化四大模块,每单元均由TextA、TextB、Text C及相关练习组成。Text A侧重商务词汇、语法知识及篇章理解。Text B着力培养学生的商务英语口语和写作能力等交际能力。TextC主要是提高学生的听力技能和人文底蕴。本套教材主要适用于全日制商务英语专业或者英语(商务英语方向)专业的一二年级大学生,也可作为全日制非英语专业学生的选修课教材或行业培训教材。教材分学生用书和教师用书。


Unit One Franchise Business Text A  Making Your Franchise the Next McDonald's  Text B  Case Study: 25 Years of Franchising in Ireland Text C  Franchising -- A Safe Haven in Tough TimesUnit Two The Real Estate Business Text A  Finding Good Deals in Real Estate Text B  Getting Started Right in Real Estate Investing Text C  World's Priciest Cities to Own a HomeUnit Three Security in E-commerce Era Text A  OECD: Providing Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Text B  Case Study: MFP Security -- How the IT Guy Is Becoming the Security Guy Text C  A New Era of AttacksUnit Four  Credit Card   Text A  How Credit Cards Work  Text B  The New Rules of Credit Cards Text C  OECD Warns Protectionism will Worsen Financial Crisis  Unit Five Creation of Corporate Culture   Text A  From Factory to Family: The Creation of a Corporate Culture Text B  Case Study: IBM Finds Profit in Diversity Text C  Become a Company That Invents New Ideas  Unit Six  Cultural Difference in Business   Text A  Advice on Cross-cultural Business   Text B  Case Study: Cultural Differences Complicate a Georgia Drug Sting Opera Text C  The Impact of Culture on BrandingUnit Seven Mergers & Acquisitions Text A  Want to Orow? Think Merger Text B  M & A Execution -- A Case Study on Deals That Went Wrong Text C  2009: A Busy Year for Mergers and Acquisitions in China  Unit Eight Telecommuting Text A  Telework Text B  Case Study: Making Telecommuting Work Text C  Potential Drawbacks of TeleworkUnit Nine Business and Customer-centeredness Text A  Daily Life, Not Markets: Customer-centered Design Text B  Reebok and Its Customization Strategy Text C  Secrets of Silk Production  Unit Ten  Business Ethics   Text A  Business Ethics Text B  Corporate Ethics: Right Makes Might Text C  Can I Ask for More Money?  Unit Eleven   Corporate Social Responsibility Text A  Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility    Text B  Nestlc's Milk District Model: Economic Development for A Value-added Food Chain and Improved Nutrition   Text C  The New BusinessUnit Twelve   Piracy   Text A  A Nation of Pirates: Panicked by Digital Plunder, the Entertainment Industry Fights Back Text B  Battles against Music Piracy: Recording Industry's Campaign against Internet Piracy in China Text C  Piracy Issue at APEC


  Watch the local paper for foreclosure auctions, taxsales, and HUD5 and VA6 listed properties. Note.Auctions held in bad weather where the propertyabsolutely must be sold are your best chance to limitcompetition and get property at rock-bottom prices.Because there is no low limit on what can be accepted(no reserve) you may win big.  Real estate agents are going to try to sell yousomething! When you approach them be very specificwith them and tell them to call only if they have anabsolute steal. Ask agents to give you those expiredlistings since they couldnt sell them. Suggest a 2 percentcommission if they will assist with closing the paperworkafter you make the deal with the seller on your own.  Dont be so selective. If the property is an absolutesteal, lock it up and sell it to somebody who does like towork with that type of real estate. Get the option andhand it off to another buyer. Look for distressed sellers inaddition to distressed property.  Post fliers everywhere —— colleges, laundromats7,shopping centers, bowling alleys, public bulletin boards,churches, local businesses, wherever large numbers ofpeople congregate. Give them a chance to give you alead on a hot deal. (For example, print up cards that say"1 pay $500 to you at closing if I buy a house that youtold me about! Do you know anyone who is sellingproperty? Please call 1-your name] at 555 -1212. ") Printquality business cards.  Join organizations of all types. The sky is the limit.There are so many —— just pick the ones that you would beinterested in truly being a member in and let it be knownyou pay bounties for consummated (closed) deals.





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