
出版时间:2010-9  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:朱晓姝,韩杨郁 文主编  页数:220  


本教材的编写目的有两个:    第一,为即将踏入社会工作的学生提供一套推销自己及其想法的途径。    本教材的第一部份内容为个人求职简历、自传及自我推荐信的书写,读者学习之后可获得如何推销自己的方法;在第三及第四部份的提案写作及商业计划书写作中,则可学会如何系统地推销自己的想法。    第二,为教授商务写作课的教师提供一个全面的商务写作教学流程。    本书几乎囊括了包括工作申请、公司内外沟通的邮件、备忘录、对内提案报告及对外筹资的商业计划书等所有商务写作的文体类型。目的是辅助教师向学生呈现一套全方位的、实用性强的商务沟通模型。    全书分为十八章,教师可按每周一章的速度来安排教学进度。第四部分的商务计划写作亦可当作一个整体单元。    商务沟通的本质即在于如何将“我”的思维,通过沟通使对方认同,借此促成双赢的局面。本书的一大特色就是从商务沟通的实践出发,帮助学生理解商务沟通的本质,掌握商务沟通的模式,并通过英语媒介达到商务沟通的效率要求。    本书另一特色是运用大量的实例使读者具体理解商务英语的使用。书中包括各种从互联网上撷取的范例,有国内商务工作者的书信内容,也有国外商务人士的写作,加编者不厌其烦的评论剖析,将商务英语的使用技巧及重点原理一一展现。




Part Ⅰ  Job Application -- delivering the personal message Chapter 1  Rosumo Chapter 2  Autobiography Chapter 3  Cover Letter Appendix 1  Adjectives  ~ Appendix 2  Business Categories and Company Organization Appendix 3  Job Titles Appendix 4  Action VerbsPart Ⅱ  Company Correspondence -- knowing how to deliver informative, positive and negative messages Chapter 4  Principles of Business Correspondence Chapter 5  Email Writing Chapter 6  Memo Writing Chapter 7  Letter WritingPart Ⅲ  Writing a Business Proposal -- knowing how to deliver persuasive messages Chapter 8  Introduction Chapter 9  Writing the Body of a Proposal Chapter 10  Writing an Executive Summary Appendix of a Business Proposal  Part Ⅳ  Writing a Business Plan - seeking investment opportunities through informative and persuasive messages: Chapter 11  Introduction Chapter 12  Starting to Write Chapter 13  Marketing and Sales Plan Chapter 14  Management Team Chapter 15  Financial Plan Chapter 16  Executive Summary Chapter 17  Company Description Chapter 18  Conclusion


  1 Why learning a business plan?  To gain a competitive advantage in job-seeking  Getting familiar with the business environment in advance would make a job applicant more confident and professional than other competitors. Enterprises are often engaged in capital raising activities. As a hired intelligence, you will be valuable if knowing how to write a plan to initiate investment for the company.  Moreover, to cope with the global economic change, Chinese government has put forward a series of incentive policies to tackle the unemployment issue. Young talents are encouraged to establish a business of their own as an important part of the governmental Policy. Writing a business plan is an essential step for a start-up to get funding.  To enhance research and analytical ability  In order to persuade others to invest, writing a business plan involves in thorough analysis on the market, the industry, the financial condition and so on. Consequently your research and analytical ability grows.



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   书有些旧。。。但是整体还行吧
  •   很薄的感觉。相对而言没有那么实用吧。为了凑单才买的。
  •   不是我想要的那种书,很薄,感觉像是课本

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