
出版时间:2010-10  出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社  作者:段云礼 编  页数:315  


  近些年来,随着改革开放的规模不断扩大,各种类型的国际交往曰趋增多,英语报刊作为教学资料的重要价值被越来越多的人所认识。外刊是了解当今国际风云、外国文化的重要窗口,获取最新科技知识、各种信息的主要手段,同时也是学习和掌握现代英语的理想资料。英语报刊题材广泛,内容新颖;语言现代,地道实用。  《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》对英语专业本科生的阅读能力提出了五个层次的要求。其中较高要求和更高要求都指出:能读懂难度相当于《泰晤士报》或《纽约时报》的社论、政论文章和书评等,能在5分钟内速读l600词左右的文章,掌握文章的主旨和大意,理解事实和细节。本书主要是根据上述要求编写的供高等院校高年级学生使用的选修课教材。本书亦可供研究生和其他爱好英语的学习者使用。  本书收录的文章主要选自美英著名的报纸和杂志,如美国的《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《洛杉矶时报》、《今日美国》、《华尔街日报》、《基督教科学箴言报》、《国际先驱论坛报》、《芝加哥论坛报》等报纸和《时代》、《新闻周刊》、《纽约客》、《美国新闻与世界报道》、《读者文摘》、《财富》、《商业周刊》、《国家地理》等杂志;英国的《泰晤士报》、《卫报》、《每日电讯报》、《独立报》、等报纸和《经济学家》、《旁观者》、《新政治家和社会》、《自然》等杂志。


“展望(Prospect)全国高等院校英语专业系列精品教材”由对外经济贸易大学出版社联合全国多所重点本科大学推出。教材根据针对全国本科院校英语专业设计,内容涵盖英语专业必修和选修课教学,包括基础技能、语言学、文学、文化、商务等方面,囊括当前我国高校英语专业所开设的大部分课程,并充分考虑到我国英语教育的地区差异和不同院校英语专业的特点,为英语教学提供更多的选择。    展望系列教材在内容选材上反映了各个学科领域的最新研究成果,除了帮助学生打下扎实的语言基本功外,在编写上更着力培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,并提高学生的思辨能力和人文、科学素养,培养健康向上的人生观,使学生真正成为我国新时代所需要的英语专门人才。    本系列教材的作者为中的学科带头人和一线优秀教师,教材充分体现了当今大学英语专业教育的发展方向和水平。具体书目包括《基础英语教程1-4》、《英语听力教程》、《英语口语教程》、《英语视听说》、《英语阅读教程1-2》、《英汉/汉英口译基础教程》、《大学英汉翻译教程(第三版)》、《大学汉英翻译教程》、《英语写作》、《学术类论文写作手册(第三版)》、《经贸英语文章选读》、《经贸英语翻译》、《经贸英语口译》、《商务英语写作》、《跨文化交际》、《国际商务礼仪》、《英美国家概况》、《英国文学简史》、《美国文学简史》、《英美文学作品选读》、《实用英语文体学教程》、《英语语言学教程》、《英美报刊高级阅读教程》等。


第一单元 政治体制第二单元 财政经济第三单元 社会问题第四单元 军事科技第五单元 文教医疗第六单元 文娱体育第七单元 人物轶事第八单元 艺术时尚第九单元 自然环境第十单元 世界报道附录参考文献


  19 Bill: let me ask you about another one of your mentors. Whats the best advice WarrenBuffett has given you?  20 B.G.: Well: Ive gotten a lot of great advice from Warren. Id say one of the mostinteresting is how he keeps things simple. You look at his calendar: its pretty simple. You talk tohim about a case where he thinks a business is attractive: and he knows a few basic numbersand facts about it. He picks the things that hes got a model of: a model that really is predictiveand thats going to continue to work over a long-term period. And so his ability to boil thingsdown: to just work on the things that really count: to think through the basics——its so amazingthat he can do that.  21 If youre getting too balled up with a lot of complicated things on your schedule: do youactually go back and think: What would Warren do?  22 B.G.: Yeah: sure. I think Warren is so nice to everybody——how does he say no in a niceway? Or how does he think about priorities and have that explicitly in mind? And he turns downan unbelievable number of things: and yet everybody feels great about it. His grace in talking topeople where hes always saying: you know: "You probably understand this better than I do: butheres how I messed it up when I first got involved in this."  There was a case at the annual meeting where somebody asked a question about shouldyou sell the stocks that have gone up and keep the ones that have not? And he sort of said: "No:you look at the value of the business." And then Charlie added: "Hes telling you yourconceptual framework is all wrong." Which is in fact what the answer had been: but therewasnt one element of: "Hey: dummy..."  23 What about advice or lessons learned as you were growing Microsoft from say: AndyGrove or people at IBM?  24B.G.: We learned about quality control: particularly from IBM Japan. Intel: we kind ofgrew up with together. Andy would sometimes be very friendly: offer good advice. Sometimeshe was very tough on us. But it was all very helpful. Apple is a competitor: but in terms of gettingthe Macintosh to critical mass: Microsoft was the key partner who had all the early software.You know: that was an interesting learning curve. Working with Steve Jobs is also exciting andnot totally predictable: but he was brilliant and inspired us in a lot of ways.




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