
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:苏州大学出版社  作者:沈勤,张建明 主编  页数:319  


  在全球经济一体化的今天,中国经济融入世界经济的程度越来越高,社会对人才的要求也越来越国际化,这对我国高校人才的培养提出了更高的要求。高等院校的会计学、管理学、经济学等专业的学生不仅要掌握好西方会计的专业知识,还要加强会计专业英语语言的学习,在英语语言的学习中加深对会计知识的理解,在会计知识的学习中掌握西方会计的常用英语词汇和基本表达方式,从而达到能够熟练阅读和理解英文会计信息和使用英文处理会计工作的目的,为成为国际化的专门人才打下坚实的基础。  全书共16章,内容兼顾了财务会计、成本会计和管理会计的基本理论与实务。各章内容包括:主题导入(采用提问、相关事件、故事等形式导入本章主题,激发学生进一步学习的兴趣)、学习目标(让学生明确本章的学习重点)、课文(便于学生学习原汁原味的语言和西方财会的专业知识)、课文注解(采用旁注方式方便学生参看和做读书笔记)、练习(有针对课文内容的提问、复习本章重要会计术语的配对题、训练学生的知识应用能力的选择题和判断题,以及启发学生发散思维的思考题)。为了满足高校培养国际化专业人才的需求,本教材的编写兼顾了英语学习和会计专业知识学习的基本要求,具有一定的系统性和逻辑性,可作为高校会计学、管理学、经济学等专业学生的教材,亦可作为商务英语专业学生学习和了解西方会计的教材,而对于涉外在职人员的培训,这也是一本很适用的培训教材。  本教材由湖南工程学院的沈勤副教授拟定提纲和负责全书的编写,邹伶老师提出了修改意见。在本教材的编写过程中,编者参阅了大量国内外有关的专著和教材,其中参考较多的列在了所附的参考书目中,在此向诸位作者表示诚挚的谢意。




Chapter 1 Introduction to AccountingChapter 2 Accounting Equation and Double-Entry SystemChapter 3 Basic Financial StatementsChapter 4 Accounting CycleChapter 5 Concepts and Types, of AssetsChapter 6 Cash and ReceivablesChapter 7 InventoriesChapter 8 LiabilitiesChapter 9 Revenues, Expenses and ProfitsChapter 10 Owner's EquityChapter 11 Financial Statement AnalysisChapter 12 Managerial Accounting and Cost-Volume-Profit AnalysisChapter 13 Cost Accounting System of Manufacturing ConcernChapter 14 Budget PreparationChapter 15 Responsibility AccountingChapter 16 Cost Analysis for Decision-MakingAppendix I:English for Account TitlesCommonly Used in ChinaAppeadix U:Proper Words and Phrases ofAccounting


  Going concern concept refers to presumption that the entity will continue to operate in the future——that it is not being liquidated. In most cases, the arnount of time that a business will be able to continue in operation is not known, so an assumption must be made., We normally assume that  a business expects to continue operating at a profit for an indefinite period of time.  Monetary unit concept requires ,that all the transaction data of an entity should be measured and entered in terms of money in the accounting records. This assumption enables accounting to quantify (measure) economic events. It also assumes that the monetary unit is stable; that is, changes in its general purchasing power are not considered sufficiently important to require to the basic financial statements. By expressing all assets and equities in terms of money, the accountant creates a common denominator that permits addition and subtraction of. All forms of assets and equities and makes the preparation of financial statements possible.



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