
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:华语教学出版社  作者:吴中伟 编  页数:4  


 The DVD edition of Contemporary Chinese, sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International, is a high-quality video course targeting at the Chinese learning students. Based on the teaching material series, it has the following features:  ·It is hosted by both Chinese and foreign comperes in English.  ·It is a ready-to-use collection for teachers  ·The teaching contents are the same as that of the paper editions and all the situational dialogues are based on the texts of the paperbooks.  ·Students from home and abroad play roles in it  ·It aims to attract both classroom and self-taught learners  ·It is suitable for Chinese-learning programme on television




The DVD edition of Contemporary Chinese, sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International, is a high-quality video course targeting at the Chinese learning students. Based on the teaching material series, it has the following features:·It is hosted by both Chinese and foreign comperes in English.·It is a ready-to-use collection for teachers·The teaching contents are the same as that of the paper editions and all the situational dialogues are based on the texts of the paperbooks.·Students from home and abroad play roles in it·It aims to attract both classroom and self-taught learners·It is suitable for Chinese-learning programme on television




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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   当代中文终于有了DVD版,更易于老外学习了。
  •   内容实践性好
  •   教材好,但是这套DVD不好,讲解非常简略,留学生用来自学是远远不够的,只能算是实景拍摄的课文对话。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
