新加坡历史原貌 : 1275-1971年

出版时间:2011  作者:(英) 马尔科姆. H.默费特  译者:陈新才,张清江  


Many books have been written about Singapore's much vaunted position as a crucial maritime centre along the East-West trading route but one aspect of its history -- the military perspective -- has, for the most part, escaped serious scholarly attention. "Between Two Oceans" aims to plug this historical gap. Drawing on an impressive range of archaeological and historical sources gleaned from research and documents in Britain, India, Singapore, United States and Australia, the book traces the geo-strategic development of Singapore from its first settlement in the thirteenth century through the turbulent phases of the Early Modern period to the dramatic military episodes that have been such a distinctive feature of the twentieth century. In presenting a balanced view of this momentous story, the authors have sought to dispel many of the myths about Singapore's military history that have grown up in the past and are now assumed to be factually correct. The book breaks new ground in revealing the difference between fact and fiction in Singapore's fascinating military past.




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