Buzz & Bingo in the Starry Sky巴兹和宾戈的星空

出版时间:2005-9  作者:Durant, Alan  


In this comical adventure, Buzz and Bingo find themselves in Outer Space trying to help a lost alien, XY5, find his parents. Along the way they meet a number of glittering constellations in the starry sky and a whole family of aliens. But after assisting XY5 they find themselves with the problem of trying to get back to earth.  / White/Band 10 books have more complex sentences and figurative language.  / Text type - A humorous fantasy story.  / Pages 30 and 31 show an illustration of the night sky and the star formations observed by Buzz and Bingo in space, providing lots of opportunities for speaking and listening.  / Curriculum links - Citizenship: Living in a diverse world, Taking part.  / This is the return of Buzz and Bingo for the third in their mini-series.  / This book is paired with an informatio book on the same theme: Is There Anyone Out There?



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