Tiger's Child老虎的孩子

出版时间:2005-1  出版社:0-00  作者:Torey Hayden  


Book Description 
Sheila was a deeply disturbed six-year-old when she came into Torey Hayden’s life – a story poignantly chronicled in One Child . Over the course of five remarkable months, this dedicated special-education teacher profoundly touched the life of this abandoned, abused little girl. Then Torey lost touch with the child she had helped to free from a hellish inner prison of rage and silence. But seven years later, Sheila was back, now a gangly teenager with bright orange hair – no longer broken and lost, but still troubled and searching for answers.
This marked a new and extraordinary chapter in a story of dedication and caring – one that would test the strength and heart of both Sheila and her one-time teacher. Torey would once again answer the call to help Sheila, this time guiding her through a difficult yet glorious transition into young womanhood.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)10.8



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