One For My Baby 给我的婴儿

出版时间:2002-12  作者:本社 编  页数:378  


Alfie Budd found the perfect woman with whom to spend the rest of his life - and then lost her. He doesn't believe you geta second chance at love.  Return the to the England he left behind during the brief, idyllic time of his marriage, Alfie finds tlle rest of his world collapsing around him. He takes comfort in a string of pointless, transient  affairs, and he tries to learn Tai Chi from an old Chinese man, George Chang.  Will Alfie ever find a family life as strong as the Changs'? And can he  give up meaningless sex4for a meaningful relationship?   Tony Parsoon's brilliant new novel is about loye, family, sex, Tai Chi and the human heart.



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