Arkana-Astrology of I Ching阿卡纳占星术

出版时间:1993-9  出版社:福光  作者:Anonymous; Chu, Wen-kuang; Sherrill, W. A  页数:451  译者:Chu W. K.  


The Astrology of I Ching is far more than a book of portents.It is a complete philosophy and way of life as well ... it shows ow to handle any situation, and the improvenlents man can make by following the laws of heaven and earth'from the Introduction by W. A. Sherrill。


PrefaceIntroductionChapter t  Background and Computations  Foundations  The sexagenary cycles  The basic computation  The deve]opment of the basic Pre-Heaven hexagram  The development of the controlling line  Computations for the subcycles of life  The Later Heaven hexagram  The development of the yearly cyc.fa6  Checklist  Daily cycle calculations  Starting the daily cyclesChapter 2  Auspiciousne~  The basic and primary concepts of ~ C/uhg  The elements of the hexagram  The value of doubles  The correspondence of months  Additional favorable and unfavorable aspectsChapter 5  The Predictions  Basic factors  Hexagrams 1-64, with natal, yearly and daily predictionsChapter 4  Compatibility  The selection of partne and companionsCoraergsAppendices  A. Teb]e of winter iol~ices 1884-976  B, Squares  C. Applicabi]ity in the Southern hemisphere




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