
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Johr, Robert, M.D./ Soyer, H. Peter, M.D./ Argenziano, Giuseppe, M.D./ Hofmann-Wellenhof, Rainer, M.D./ Scalvenzi, Massimiliano, M.D.  页数:231  


This portable, to-the-point resource presents straightforward guidance on all aspects of performing dermoscopy and equips readers with the tools they need to accurately interpret the results. A no-nonsense, "how-to-do-it" approach—combined with expert coverage from leaders in the field—makes this the "go-to" resource on this essential topic.    作者简介:  Robert H. Johr, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Pediatrics, Director, Pigmented Lesion Clinic, University of Miami School of Medicine,Miami, FL;


ForewordPrefaceAcknowledgments1.INTRODUCTION - THE 3-POINT CHECKLIST2.PATTERN ANALYSIS  Five global dermoscopic patterns for melanocytic nevi  Five patterns for acral melanocytic lesions Diagnosis of melanoma using five melanoma-specific local criteria Five site-specific melanoma-specific criteria Six criteria for diagnosing non-melanocytic lesions3.COMMON CLINICAL SCENARIOS Pediatric scenario Acral lesions Black lesions Darker skinned races Blue lesions Combined nevus Flat lesions on the face Nodular lesions on the face Featureless melanoma Follow-up of melanocytic lesions Inkspot lentigo Mucosal lesions Multiple Clark (dysplastic) nevi Pigmented lesions of the nails Lesions with regression Reticular lesions Spitzoid lesions Tape stripping Differential diagnostic value of blood vesselsDiagnostic pearlsFurther readingIndex



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