
出版时间:2004-12  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Bruyn, Rose de  页数:373  


The book takes an evidence-based approach to common diagnostic imaging dilemmas in pediatric ultrasound. It provides clear and referenced pediatric imaging guidelines for common and controversial dilemmas.  Uses a practical, step-by-step approach.  Covers the practical aspects of scanning, as well as the role, value, and limitations of ultrasound in different diseases.  Features over 500 illustrations, including 80 color scans  Written at a level suitable for both students and practitioners.  Written and edited by a pediatric radiologist.


Contributors  Preface  1.General issues of methods and equipment 2.Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of congenital anomalies 3.The urinary tract  4.The adrenal glands 5.The liver, spleen and pancreas 6.The abdomen and bowel 7.The female reproductive system 8.The scrotum and testes 9.The head, neck and spine 10.The musculoskeletal system 11.Pediatric interventional ultrasound 12.The chest Recommended reading  Glossary  Index



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