Crispin - The Cross Of Lead 铅十字架的秘密

出版时间:2003-1  出版社:Scholastic  作者:Avi  页数:262  


  sta's son" is all he's ever been called. The lack of name is
appropriate, because he and his mother are but poor peasants in
fourteenth-century medieval England. But this thirteen-year-old boy
who thought he had little to lose soon finds himself with even less
— no home, family, or possessions. Accused of a crime he didn't
commit, he has been declared a "wolf's head." That means he may be
killed on sight, by anyone. If he wishes to remain alive, he must
flee his tiny village. All the boy takes with him is a newly
revealed name — Crispin — and his mother's cross of lead.
  His journey through the English countryside is puzzling,
amazing,and terrifying. Especially difficult is his encounter with
the juggler named Bear. A huge, and possibly even mad, man, Bear
forces the boy to become his servant. Bear, however, is a strange
master, for he encourages Crispin to think for himself.
  Though Bear promises to protect Crispin, it becomes clear that
the boy is being relentlessly pursued. Why are his enemies so
deter- mined to kill him? Crispin is gradually drawn right into his
enemies' fortress, where—in a riveting climax—he must become a
different person if he is to save Bear's life and his own.



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