Yo! Yes? 玩!哦?

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Scholastic  作者:Chris Raschka  


  An effective, unusual 34-word story of the beginnings of a
friendship, accompanied by wild and wonderful illustrations.
Against pastel backgrounds, in vibrant, colorful images, an
African-American boy and a white boy meet on the street. [Their]
one- and two-word exchanges on each spread lead to a tentative
offer of friendship, sealed as both boys jump high in the air and
yell Yow!" With a beautifully balanced, economical style, the book
illumines the peaks and pitfalls of getting acquainted, and puts in
a good word for brotherhood as well." --School Library Journal,
starred review


  Chris Raschka is an author and illustrator of children's
books. Raschka's books, Yo!Yes? and Charlie Parker Played Be-Bop
are famous for their minimal texts and inventive art. His book,
Mysterious Thelonious, made Horn Book's Honor List in 1997.




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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   太棒的一本书 全文不超过20个单词 却神奇地再现了两个孩子如何沟通 从陌生到朋友 了不起
  •   还行 有点贵
  •   喜欢 孩子喜欢
  •   早就想买的书!!!
  •   光看名字就很好玩。很久以前就看到这本书,一直没有买,这次觉得价格合理买了下来
  •   还不错,回来读给宝宝听。
  •   真是没想到。每页基本就一个单词。如果就画面意思三岁以上的孩子应该能看懂。
  •   如果想英文入门,这本书不适合,只能把它当作一本类似于无字书的图画书来看

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