Milton the Early Riser 早起的熊猫米顿

出版时间:1987-4  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Kraus, Robert/ Aruego, Jose/ Dewey, Ariane  页数:32页  


The first one to awake, Milton the Panda tries hard to wake all the other animals but to no avail.


  Robert Kraus, New Yorker cartoonist and cover artist, created
numerous classic picture books for very young children, including
Leo the Late Bloomer and Milton the Early Riser.^Jose Aruego and
Ariane Dewey have illustrated many books together -- he draws the
outlines and designs the pages; she paints the illustrations.
Aruego, a native of the Philippines, was a lawyer before becoming
an illustrator, and now lives in New York City. Dewey was born in
Chicago and also lives in New York City.^Jose Aruego and Ariane
Dewey have illustrated many books together -- he draws the outlines
and designs the pages; she paints the illustrations. Aruego, a
native of the Philippines, was a lawyer before becoming an
illustrator, and now lives in New York City. Dewey was born in
Chicago and also lives in New York City.



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