交换早、晚餐食谱可以使重量减少更多 The Reverse Diet

出版时间:2007-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Tricia Cunningham  页数:260  


Here is the breakthrough diet plan that has people all across North America eating better, losing weight, and getting healthier. Now you can stop counting calories, avoiding carbs, and feeling deprived. Eat dinner for breakfast and shed pounds! If you’ve been a yo-yo dieter and nothing seems to work, this terrific new diet plan allows you to lose 20, 50, 100 pounds or even more for good, simply by reversing your meals. Dozens of tasty, easy recipes are included.


Tricia Cunningham devised the Reverse Diet, lost over 150 pounds on the plan, and has maintained her weight loss for more than seven years. A motivational speaker, she has appeared on Today, Good Morning America, and The 700 Club, and in numerous national magazines. Her popular Web site is www.reversedietsolution.com.


AcknowledgmentsTricia's StoryHeidi's StoryIntroductionPART ONE: The Reverse Diet Weight-Loss Phase 1 What Is the Reverse Diet?  2 The Reverse Diet Food List and Reverse Diet Basics 3 Reverse Diet Meal Plans and Meal Planning 4 Reverse Diet Portions—and Plateaus 5 Reverse Diet Motivation: Dealing with High-Risk MomentsPART TWO: The Reverse Diet Bridge Phase 6 The Reverse Diet Bridge Food List and Meal Plans 7 The Reverse Diet Accelerated: Building Lean Muscle and MorePART THREE: The Reverse Diet Maintenance Phase 8 The Reverse Diet for Life 9 Reverse Diet RecipesAppendix A Food Reality CheckAppendix B Calcium SourcesAppendix C The Six Food Groups and ServingsIndex



    交换早、晚餐食谱可以使重量减少更多 The Reverse Diet PDF格式下载

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