Psychometric Tests For Dummies心理测试

出版时间:2008-4  作者:Liam Healy  页数:270  


Taking a psychometric test?Don’t panic!This comprehensive guide walks you through numerical,verbal,abstract,technicaI ability,and personality assessment tests,showing you what to expect and how to prepare。Packed with over 1,000 practice questions and answers,alongside expert tips on staying calm and improving your performance,with this book you can feel confident on the day and stay one step ahead of the other candidates。   Liam Healy is a leading occupational psychologist who publishes psychometric tests for major organisations worldwide。


IntroductionPart Ⅰ:Testing Basics  Chapter 1:Understanding Psychometric Tests Chapter 2:Setting Your Mind at Rest About Psychometric Tests Chapter 3:Preparing For a Psychometric Test Chapter 4:Dealing with FeedbackPart Ⅱ:Finding Out About Different  Types ot Tests  Chapter 5:Finding the Right Words:Verbal Ability Tests  Chapter 6:Doing Your Sums:Numerical Ability Tests  Chapter 7:Getting all Creative:Abstract Ability Tests  Chapter 8:Saying It Without Words:Technical Ability Tests  Chapter 9:Seeing the Real You:Personality TestsPart Ⅲ:Getting Some Practise In: sample Tests  Chapter 10:Verbal Ability Sample Tests.  Chapter 1 1:Numerical Ability Sample Tests  Chapter 12:Abstract Ability Sample Tests  Chapter 13:Technical Ability Sample Tests  Chapter 14:Personality Assessment Sample TestsPartⅣ:The Part of Tens  Chapter 15:Ten Things to Remember for the Test Session  Chapter 16:Ten Calming Thoughts to Keep in MindIndex




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