Arms and Armor CD-ROM and Book动物族群艺术

出版时间:2005-2  作者:Madeleine Orban-Szontagh  页数:48  


  This extensive, carefully researched, and strikingly rendered collection of animal folk art designs includes scores of images from around the world: Early American roosters and eagles, ancient Peruvian llamas, stylized fish from the Ukraine, Chinese dragons, butterflies from China and Korea, and a host of other vibrant motifs. Included in the set are:    One CD-ROM containing 354 high-quality, permission-free images scanned at 600 dpi and saved in six different formats (TIFF, PICT, EPS, BMP, as well as Internet-ready JPEG and GIF)  A large-format 48-page book with every image on the CD-ROM printed large and clearly for easy reference  Also included on the CD-ROM is Dover Design Manager, a simple graphics editing program for Windows.



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