Isaiah’s Christ in Matthew’s Gospel马太福音中的以赛亚救世主

出版时间:2007-4  作者:Beaton, Richard  页数:242  


Matthew's Jesus is typically described as the humble, compassionate messiah. This book argues that this is only half the story. Matthew's theologically rich quotation of Isaiah 42.1-4 underscores the fact that, manifest in Jesus' powerful message and deeds, is the justice that was thought to accompany the arrival of the kingdom of God. The study arrives at the conclusion that this citation was central to Matthew's understanding of Jesus' life and mission. Moving out from this focus, the book offers a fresh exploration of Matthew's high, ethical Christology.


RICHARD BEATON is Assistant Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary in the School of Theology.


PrefaceList of abbreviations1 Introduction  Thesis  Problems  Guiding presuppositions and assumptions  Limitations  Method  Procedure2 History of research  Matthew's use of the Old Testament  The formula quotations  The Servant of the Lord3 Texts and early Jewish exegesis  Jewish exegesis  Exegesis and the biblical text in Second Temple Judaism  Early Christian use of the Old Testament: text and exegesis  Historical antecedents and early Jewish usage of Isaiah 42.1-4  Conclusion4 Isaianic formula quotations in Matthew  Analysis of Isaianic formula quotations  Conclusions5 Isaiah 42.1-4 within the context of Matthew 11-13 An overview of Matthew's text-form  An analysis of Matthew 12.18-21  The relation of text-form to context and meaning  Theological usage  Justice, Law observance and God's people  Conclusion6 The christological contribution of Isaiah 42.1-4 The apologetic Jesus defined The Son of David, the Spirit and the Kingdom of God The restoration of God's people in the Temple Matthew 25.31-46 and the ethical king  Isaiah 42.1-4 and Matthew's ethical christology7  ConclusionBibliographyIndex of passagesIndex of modern authorsIndex of subjects




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