Love's Labor's Lost (简装)

出版时间:1996-11-1  出版社:Washington Square Press  作者:William,Shakespeare  


Completely re-edited,the New Folger Library editions of Shakespeare's plays puts readers in touch with current ways of thinking about Shakespeare.Each freshly edited text is based directly on what the editors consider the best early printed version of the play.Each volume contains full explanatory notes on pages facing the text of the play,as well as a helpful introduction to Shakespeare's language.The accounts of William Shakespeare's life,his theater,and the publication of his plays present the latest scholarship,and the annotated reading lists suggest sources of further informa-tion.The illustrations of objects,clothing,and mythological figures mentioned in the plays are drawn from the Library's vast holdings of rare books.At the conclusion of each play there is a full essay by an outstanding scholar who assesses the play in light of today's interests and concerns.


Editors' preface
Shakespeare's Love's Labor's Lost
Reading Shakespeare's language:Love's Labor's Lost
Shakespeare's life
Shakespeare's theater
the Publication of Shakespeare's Plays
An Introduction to This Text
Love's Labor's Lost
Text of the play with Commentary
Longer Notes
texutal Notes
Love's Labor's Lost:A Modern Perspective by William C. Carroll
further Reading
Key to Famous lines and Phrase



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