出版时间:1996-12  出版社:Fireside  作者:Tom Gorman  页数:272  


Gorman presents a detailed explanation of how to manage your career in a way that will work for you in the 1990s--in a world with dramatic structural change in most corporations, a new social contract between employer and employee, and different skills and attitudes required for most jobs. Multipreneuring is a label for success in modern business today, which requires individuals to be able to organize resources, manage their careers, and assume sensible risks in the same way that a business enterprise is run. With the goal of helping the readers develop a portable, self-contained professional identity, the author offers them guidelines to gain insight into who they are professionally and, with that insight, to learn how to become multipreneurs. Criteria for a multipreneur include independence from a single employer, ability to learn and apply many skills, flexibility and adaptability, and being proactive in terms of starting a project and seeing it through. This thought-provoking book cautions readers that in the new environment of the 1990s and beyond, most of them will be required to function as multipreneurs for the rest of their working lives. Mary Whaley


IntroductionPart One The Multipreneurial Response to Change  1.Adapting to the New MarketplacePart TwoThe Principles of Multipreneuring  2.Add Value Constantly  3.Manage Risk Aggressively  4.Work Productively and Flexibly  5.Learn ContinuallyPart Three The Practices of Multipreneuring  6.Act Like a Producer  7.Market Hard, Sell Soft  8.Exploit Technology  9.Take Care of BusinessPart Four The Transition to Multipreneuring  10.Making the TZransitionAcknowledgmentsIndex





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