来自一个女人对小企业顺利成长的指南Raising a Business

出版时间:1970-1  作者:Sonia Williams  页数:182  


Raising a Business is aimed at women who have recently started, or are planning to start, a business. It is designed to teach women how they can successfully prepare their business for, and manage, growth. It outlines the key areas that business owners need to look at to create More...
a proï¬table, sustainable and successful business. The author, Sonia Williams, interviewed several successful Australian businesswomen, who share their strategies, tips and advice for growing a business.


ForewordAbout the authorPrefaceBusinesswoment featured in Raising a Business1 What does it take to grow your business?2 Do you segment your market?3 Does your product or service serve a need?4 Do you engage your customers?5 Are you reaching the right target market with the right message?6 Have you formulated a business vision?7 What is your leadershiip style and organisationa; culture?8 Do you have the right people on board?9 Do you document your policies and procedures?10 have you created strategic alliances?11 Do you unederstand how to account for your business?ConclustionAppendix A: The procedures typically documented in smallAppendix B: A standard cash flow forecast for a small businessIndex



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