Castle in the Pyrenees by Jostein Gaarder 庇利牛斯山的城堡

出版时间:2010-11  作者:Gaarder, Jostein  


Through five intense years in the 1970s, Steinn and Solrunn had a happy life together. Then they suddenly parted ways, for reasons that are unclear to both. In the summer of 2007 they meet again on a balcony of an old wooden hotel by a fjord in western Norway. It is a place they both have fond memories from, and their meeting turns out to be fateful. But is it purely coincidental that they meet at that particular spot at that particular time? Over a couple of weeks that summer they write emails to each other, and it becomes clear that they have been living with very different interpretations of their shared past...




    Castle in the Pyrenees by Jostein Gaarder 庇利牛斯山的城堡 PDF格式下载

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