Wrox Visual C# 2005速成版入门技巧 Wrox's Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit

出版时间:2006-1  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  作者:Barker, Scott  页数:305  


First, Barker explains how to install Visual C# 2005 Express Edition, which is included on the accompanying CD-ROM, and walks you through programming basics. You'll then learn how to build user interface elements in order to develop applications using Windows Forms. And you'll find out how to use data in your applications as you examine database concepts, data controls, SQL Server Express Edition features, and ADO.NET.     This starter kit provides you with all the tools you'll need to write your own programs in Visual C# 2005 Express Edition. It will help you quickly gain the skills to begin using C# so that you can produce software applications that have no limits.作者简介:    F. Scott Barker has worked as a developer in the database field for over 16 years, and with Visual Basic, SQL Server, and Microsoft Access for the last 14 years. Scott is a Microsoft MVP and holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Scott worked at Microsoft for two years as a member of the Microsoft Access and FoxPro teams. After leaving Microsoft, he started his own company, Applications Plus, and continued to consult for them by developing in-house tools. Scott has trained for Application Developers Training Company and throughout the United States, and is a frequent speaker at Microsoft Conferences in the United States, Canada, South Asia, and Europe. Through his classes and conferences, Scott has trained thousands of developers. Scott is a writer for a number of Microsoft Technical magazines, as well as a columnist for DotNetJunkies, and is the author of a number of books including topics such as ADO. NET, Visual Basic .NET, and InfoPath 2003.


About the Author  Acknowledgments  IntroductionPart Ⅰ: Introduction and Concepts  Chapter 1: Starting Strong with Visual C# 2005 Express Edition    What Is Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express?      The Differences between C# and C# Express      Members of the Express Series    Overview of C# Express Development Environment      What Is the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)?      Taking a Look at the C# Express Start Page    Tools of the C# Express IDE    Structure of C# Express Solutions and Projects    Summary    Exercises  Chapter 2: Programming 101: A Quick Discussion    What Is Programming?      General Programming Overview      Hardware versus Software      Programming Then and Now      Compiled versus Interpreted    What about OOP?    Introduction to Windows Programming      Different Levels of Programming      Event Programming      Dynamic-Link Libraries    Summary    Exercises  Chapter 3: Quick Start Creating Your First C# Express Windows Pro_ie    Which Type of Application to Create: Windows or Console?      Differences between Using Windows and Console Applications      Purposes for Using Windows and Console Applications    Getting Started with Windows Application Projects      Setting the IDE up for a Windows Application Project      Overview of the Solution Explorer      Discussion about Properties    Adding Controls to the Form    Working with Code on an Event    Summary    Exercises  Chapter 4: Introducing .NET    Introduction to .NET Framework      Common Language Runtime      .NET Framework Class Library    Working with .NET Namespaces      Object Browser: Tool of the Namespace Trade      Supplying the Fully Qualified Namespace      The Using Directive    Summary    Exercises  Chapter 5: Getting into C# Types    What Are Variables and Constants?      Declaring and Assigning C# Variables      Standard C# Types      Naming C# Variables      Converting between Variable Types      Enumerations    Using C# Constants    Summary    Exercises  Chapter 6: Debugging Applications in C# Express    What is Debugging in C# Express?      Types of Errors That Can Occur in Your Applications      C# Express Debugging Features: Tools of the Trade    ……  Chapter 7: Selections, Iterations, and Catching Exceptions Part Ⅱ: Creating Applications with C# Express  Chapter 8: Working with Forms and Controls  Chapter 9: Adding Dialog Boxes and Rich Text to Your ApplicationPart Ⅲ: Using Data in Applications  Chapter 10: Introducing Database Concepts  Chapter 11: Using SQL Server Express Features within C# Express  Chapter 12: Utilizing .NET Data Controls  Chapter 13: Working with ADO.NET Part Ⅳ: Finishing Touches  Chapter 14: Getting More Experience with Controls  Chapter 15: Using Web Services from Your C# Application  Chapter 16: Publishing Your Application and Next StepsAppendix A: Answers to ExercisesIndex



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