Bool Lines曲线

出版时间:2005-2  出版社:7-09999  作者:Jeff Buick  


The world thinkd Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar was killed in 1993.The world is wrong.Escobar escaped and went deep into hid-ing,taking with him the access code to a Swiss bank accout containing hundreds of dollars. His enemies want that access code,and they'll do anything to get it...
Escobar's enemies know that even in hiding he is still a very dangerous man, and that simply looking for him would cost them their lives. Instead they turn to Escobar's cousin, an inno-cent pawn who has no idea where to begin the search. But his wife and daughter are being held as security, and the clock is ticking. He has two weeks to find pablo Escobar and get that access code-or they die.



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