Dad's Own Cookbook: Everything Your Mother Never Taught You (平装)

出版时间:1993年01月  出版社:Workman Publishing Company  作者:Bob Sloan  


And now, for the kitchen impaired, a cookbook guaranteed to  take you from zero to frittata in less than an hour. Dad's Own  Cookbook offers culinary neophytes and novice cooks the chance to  finally flex a little muscle in the kitchen. For singles who don't  cook but are trying to impress a new date, this could be the dating  guide of the century.
Joy of Cooking, The New Basics, and Betty Crocker's New Cookbook are all excellent books, but if you think Cuisinart was a movement that followed the French impressionists, they just might be a bit over your head. Author Bob Sloan assumes nothing, and Dad's Own Cookbook covers it all, start to finish. From buying the ingredients to cooking and serving, Sloan offers concise, no-nonsense instruction that strips away intimidation and sends confidence levels soaring. The highlight of this extraordinary cookbook is the recipes. While Sloan assumes you might be inexperienced in the kitchen, he never assumes that you are inexperienced at the table. The recipes are admirable, including such delicacies as Chicken Tortellini with Prosciutto and Tomato Cream Sauce, Baked Salmon with Herb Crust, and Strawberry Mousse. Best of all, Dad's Own Cookbook provides you with the tools you need to put them on the table.
Sloan starts with shopping tips, such as how to read product labels and select fresh produce. (Quick quiz for the experienced cooks out there: how do you tell if an egg is fresh?) He moves on to how to pick knives and pans, and how to measure (under the snappy title "Real Men Do Measure"), prepare, and serve. Along the way, Sloan offers solid advice on selecting a menu, what to prepare in advance, and how to time the cooking so everything comes out just right and at the same time. About the only thing Dad's Own Cookbook leaves out are excuses--when it comes to cooking, you simply won't need them any more. --Mark O. Howerton



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