泰国菜thai a culinary journey of discovery

出版时间:2007-1  出版社:Parragon  作者:Williams, Judy  页数:96  


Thai food is a vibrant cuisine, famed for its sharp, fresh flavors.Bursting with variety, its dishes may be chile hot, zesty with lime,or creamy with coconut. The diverse choices that Thai cookingoffer are due to the regions of Thailand offering different methodsof cooking and types of dishes according to their climate, history,and culture. This book will introduce you to all these exciting stylesFrom pad thai to pork dumplings, angler fish kabobs to hot and soursoup, there are 38 recipes to awakenyour palate and let you begin tomaster the secrets of creating great-tasting Thai-style food.


Introduction  Equipment  Key ingredients  Basic flavorings  Curry pastesAppetizers  Spicy Thai pockets  Hot and sour soup  Crab, pork, and chile fritters  Stir-fried shrimp with garlic  Vegetable and black bean egg rolls  Crispy pork dumplings  Chicken satay skewers with peanut sauce  Shrimp wraps  Roasted sticky chicken wings  Crab won tonsMain Meals  Angler fish kabobs with red bell peppers and shrimp  Green chicken curry  Spicy beef with black bean sauce  Chili shrimp with garlic noodles  Crispy roast duck and pickled plums  Gingered chicken with cashews and scallions  Ground pork kabobs with sweet chili dipping sauceMain Meals continued  Mixed fish and coconut curry  Masaman curry  Roast pork with pineappleVegetarian  Cauliflower, broccoli, and cashew salad  Mixed mushrooms with spinachand bean sprouts  Crispy vegetable stir-fry salad  Chunky potato and spinach curry  Peanut tofu skewers  Butternut squash curry  Eggplant curry  Sweet-and-sour salad  Red curry with mixed leavesRice and Noodles  Pad Thai  Egg-fried rice with shrimp and bell peppers  Red roasted pork with peppered noodles  Thai fish cakes with coconut rice  Chile rice with stir-fried beef  Squid and shrimp laksa  Chicken curry with fried noodles  Spicy chicken kabobs with cilantro rice  Spring vegetable riceIndex




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