The Moorchild 妖精的小孩

出版时间:2006-12  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:McGraw, Eloise  页数:241  


  Half moorfolk and half human, and unable to shape-shift or
disappear at will, Moql threatens the safety of the Band. So the
Folk banish her and send her to live among humans as a changeling.
Named Saaski by the couple for whose real baby she was swapped, she
grows up taunted and feared by the villagers for being different,
and is comfortable only on the moor, playing strange music on her
  As Saaski grows up, memories from her forgotten past with the
Folks slowly emerge. But so do emotions from her human side, and
she begins to realize the terrible wrong the Folk have done to the
humans she calls Da and Mumma. She is determined to restore their
child to them, even if it means a dangerous return to the world
that has already rejected her once.



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