Animal Explorers: A Walk in the Jungle (木板书)

出版时间:2007年04月  出版社:Silver Dolphin Books  作者:Dorothea DePrisco  


Who’s climbing in that tree? A Sloth, silly! Who’s that zipping by? A Kinkajou! Who has blue wings? A Blue Morpho Butterfly, of course! Adventurous children can take a walk through the jungles of the world, from South America and Africa to Asia and Australia, in this clever 3-D puzzle series titled, Animal Explorers. Beautiful full-color illustrations grace the spreads that capture the habitats of animals like toucans, leopards, bengal tigers, gorillas, and the odd-looking duck-billed platypus. And to add to the excitement, the book comes with 16 pop-out, stand-up animal pieces and a playmat so kids can create their own jungle adventures.



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