Beardream 熊的梦想

出版时间:2000-6  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Hobbs, Will/ Kastner, Jill (ILT)  


  Spring has come to the muntains, and the bears have emerged
from their winter's sleep -- all but the Great Bear, who sleeps on
in his den.In the Ute village, a boy called Short Tail worries that
the Geat Bear will starve if he doesn't waken. So Short Tail heads
off into the mountains to rouse the Great Bear. But on the way to
the Great Bear's den, Short Tail too falls asleep, and slips into a
magical dream in which the Great Bear teaches him a wornderful
secret to share with his people.Will Hobbs's lyrical text and Jill
Kastner's rich, evoctive oil paintings bring the story of a Native
American tradition ot vivid life.



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