假牙手册 Text book of Complete Dentures

出版时间:2001-11  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Arthur O. Rahn 著  页数:528  


Medical College of Georgia, Augusta. New edition of a text for dental practitioners on all aspects of dentures. 1986 4th edition titled 'Syllabus of Complete Dentures' by Charles M. Heartwell, Jr., with Rahn as second author. Illustrated. DNLM: Denture, Complete.


1. Anatomy and Physiology2. Mandibular Movements3. Articulators4. Hinge Axis and Face-Bow6. Diagnosis7. Surgical Preparation for Complete Dentures8. Complete Denture Impressions9. Maxillomandibular Relations and Concepts of Occlusion10. Record Bases and Occlusion Rims11. Recording Maxillomandibular Relations12. Tooth Selection13. Tooth Arrangement14. The Arrangement of Teeth for Esthetics15. Arranging the Artificial Teeth for the Trial Denture16. Relating Inclinations of Teeth to Concepts of Occlusion17. Laboratory Procedures18. Denture Insertion19. Treating Problems Associated with Denture Use20. Treating Abused Tissues21. Immediated Complete Dentures22. Immediate Complete Denture Construction Procedures23. The Single Complete Denture24. Tooth-Supported Complete DentureIndex



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