橱窗设计 Store Windows 13

出版时间:2003-11  出版社:St Martins Pr  作者:Pegler, Martin M.  页数:175  


Store Windows No。13 presents new and innovative promotional, seasonal and advertising ideas for all seasons and occasions, and any type of sale。Inexpensive, easily found or recycled materials frequently make up the most successful displays。You will see the proof of this statement in the 176 pages filled with 250 full-color photographs of the very best in store window displays。Learn from the best window designers and display artists that it isn’t how much money you spend, it is how clever, imaginative and ingenious they are, and how he/she translates those ideas into reality using a modest budget。  Included are examples from department and specialty stores as well as famous brand name and designer shops and boutiques illustrating a wide spectrum of window design solutions that can be easily and inexpensively adapted。This is a resource book full of idea starters, a constant source of display and merchandising ideas。


SpringtimeSummertimeAutumn TimeWinter TimeAnytime




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