Hansel and Gretel Classic Read Along Audio Book奇幻森林历险记经典读物

出版时间:2006-3  出版社:7-09999  作者:null  


Book Description 
Enchanting Fairy Tale Fun!
This book is about Hansel and the Gretel.
Enjoy endless fairy tale delight with this read-along storybook and feature-packed CD. It’s a read-along book, music CD, and fun PC software, all in one terrific package!
It’s 3 Great Product in 1!
1. Read-along Storybook!
Immerse yourself in the beautiful illustrations and listen along with the included disc as the classic story of Hansel and Gretel is magically retold.
2. Sing-along Music CD!
12 wonderfully original and entertaining fairy-tale songs will charm kids of all ages-and parents too!
3.Exciting PC Features!
Interactive Storybook: enjoy the vivid storybook scenes and colorful narration and click your mouse to turn the page when you hear the chime.
Music Jukebox: select any song and watch the lyrics scroll while the music plays. Great for learning the songs and singing along!
Coloring Book: color the many Little Red Riding Hood characters and storybook pictures while you listen to great fairy tale music!
Share the Smiles: print copies of the storybook, song lyrics, and coloring pages to share among several children. Ideal for classroom use!
Illustrations :



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