Lao Phrasebook 3e老挝语

出版时间:2008-3  出版社:Lonely Planet  作者:Lonely Planet  页数:226  


  Let language be your guide in the land of million elephants!From the vital flow of the mekong to the fertile bolaven Plateau,words will be the life of your travels in Laos as you make those.conversational connections,In the musical voice of theis tonal language,you'll forever be singing the praises of Laos and its people.  Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical and social words and phrases in more the 120 languages.Chat with the locals and discover their culture-a guaranteed way to enrich your travel experience.


  LONELY PLANET aims to cater for every independent traveller,
whatever the destination, whatever the style of travel and whatever
the phase of the journey.


INTRODUCTION AbbreviationsPRONUNCIATION Vowels Consonants Variations in Transliterations Tones ScriptGRAMMAR Word Order Nouns Adjectives  Adverbs Pronouns Possession  Verbs To Be To Have Negatives Modals Questions Answers Classifiers Prepositions ConjunctionsMEETING PEOPLE You Should Know Greetings Goodbyes Forms of Address Body Language First Encounters Making Conversation Breaking the Language Barrier Nationalities Age Occupations Family Feelings Opinions Common Interests SportGETTING AROUND Finding Your Way Directions Buying Tickets Air Bus Taxi Samlors & Jumbos Boat Renting Vehicles Car Problems




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