会计管理 Account Management

出版时间:2002-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Langdon, Ken  页数:126  


The sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have a motivated, incentivised and focused sales team well-versed in the basics of selling, from identifying new prospects and getting repeat business to closing the deal. This module gives essential insight into all the key sales drivers such as account management, handling complex sales, selling services, FMCG selling, customer relationships and self-development for sales people.


KEN LANGDON is presently the non-executive chairman for SoftTools, a supplier of electronic Integrated Support Systems.  Ken has worked for many major computer companies worldwide, including Hewlett Packard and DEC.  As well as writing books, his experien


Introduction to ExpressExec12.05.01  Introduction to Account Management12.05.02  Defiintion of Terms: What is Account Management? 12.05.03  The Evolution of Account Management12.05.04  The E-Dimension in Account Management 12.05.05  The Global Dimension in Account Management 12.05.06  The State of the Art in Account Management 12.05.07  Account Management in Practice12.05.08  Key Concepts and Thinkers in Account Managment12.05.09  Resources for Account Management12.05.10  Ten Steps to Implementing Account ManagementFrequently Asked QuestionsIndex



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