Starting Out With Native Plants自然植物装饰

出版时间:2007-1  作者:Charlotte De La Bedoyere  页数:128  


There are huge advantages for the gardener in growing native plants: local plants are low maintenance because they are adapted to local soils and they will usually withstand adverse weather conditions, such as summer droughts. Many will also grow in difficult areas in poor soil conditions. But perhaps the best reason for growing them is that they help to sustain and preserve the natural biodiversity of the local area: insects, birds and other animals depend on them for food and shelter. Starting Out with Native Plants illustrates and catalogues all the plants, excluding trees and shrubs, which are native to Britain. For each plant there are details of its size, habit, flowering season, hardiness, soil and site requirements, propagation and pruning methods, providing British gardeners with an instant and valuable source of reference for their local plant heritage.


Introduction1 Getting Started2 Meadows3 The Plants4 Complete ListSuppliers and AddressesIndexAcknowledgements



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