直肠癌的现代治疗 Modern Management of Cancer of the Rectum

出版时间:2001-8  出版社:北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司  作者:Longo, W.  页数:234  


addresses such topics as epidemiology, biology, screening and chemoprevention, the role of imaging in diagnosis, staging and prognosis, radiation therapy, medical and surgical treatment, as well as new modalities of therapy, including laparoscopy, and transanal endoscopic surgery. A greater understanding of prognostic factors, patterns of spread and natural history has occurred during the past decade; together with new diagnostic modalities this has led to significant changes in the management of patients with rectal cancer. This book will be invaluable for all those who treat rectal cancer.


List of ContributorsIntroduction1 Evolution of the Surgical Management of Rectal Cancer  Introduction  Perineal Approach  Transanal Excision  Transsacral Resection  Abdominosacral Resection  Abdominoperineal Resection  Abdominoanal Approach  Anterior Resection  The Present  References2 Pathology and Staging  Introduction  Resection Specimen  Total Mesorectal Excision  Histological Features of Rectal Cancer and Their Prognostic Significance    Histological Type    Tumour Differentiation    Invasive Growth Pattern and Peritumoral    Lvmphocytic Infiltration    Completeness ofExcision    Serosal Involvement    LYmph Node Metastases    ExtramuralVascular Invasion  SurgicalResectionMargins andLocalRecurrence    Local Recurrence    Longitudinal Resection Margin    Circumferential Resection Margin    Staging ofRectal Cancer    Staging Systems Currently in Existence    DukesStaging    TNM Staging System    DukesStagingVersus TNM  Role of Pathology in Assessing the Quality of Rectal Cancer Surgery    Quality of Preoperative Imaging and Pathology Reporting,and the    Use ofReporting Proformas  Conclusions  References3 Genetics,Screening and Chemoprevention  Introduction    Genetics    Tumor Suppressor Genes    MMR Genes    Oncogenes  Screening    Average Risk    Moderate Risk    Increased Risk  Chemoprevention    NSAIDS    Calcium    AntioxidantVitamins    Circumin    Perillyl Alcoh01    Oltipraz    Selenium    References4 The Role of Imaging in the Diagnosis and Staging of Primary and Recurrent Rectal Cancer  Introductionl  Diagnostic Imaging in the Staging of Primary Rectal CancerI  Clinical Evaluation    Contrast Examinations    Endorectal Ultrasound    Computed Tomography    Magnetic Resonance Imaging    Positron Emission Tomography    Radioimmunoscintigraphy  Diagnostic Imaging in the Dia19nosis and Staging of Recurrent Rectal Cancer    Ultrasound Techniques    Computed Tomography    Magnetic Resonance Imaging    Positron Emission Tomography and Immunoscintigraphy  Conclusions  References5 Ne0adjuvant Therapy  Introduction  Preoperative Therapy    Rationale    Predictors ofResponsetoPreoperativeTherapy    Results ofPreoperative Therapy    Intensive ShortCourse PreoperativeRadiation    Sphincter Preservation with Preoperative Radiation  Is Aduvant Therapy Necessary in Patients Undergoing a Total Mesorectal    Resection7  Investigational Approaches    Altered Radiation Fractionation Schemes    New Chemotherapeutic Agents  6 Restorative Procedures7 Abdominoperineal Resection8 Total Mesorectal Excision with Autonomic Nerve Preservation: "Optimized Surgery"9 Laparoscopic Resections for Large Bowel malignancy10 Minimal Access Surgery for Rectal Cancer11 Postoperative Adjuvant Combined Modality Therapy12 Follow-up After Potentially Curative Therapy for Rectal Cancer13 Surgical Approach to Locally Recurrent Disease14 Metastic Rectal Cancer15 Rare Histiotypes16 Quality of Life and Palliative Care in Rectal Cancer Patients17 Costs of Rectal Cancer Patient ManagementIndex



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