(韦氏学生西班牙/英语词典)Webster's Spanish-English Dictionary for Students

出版时间:2003-7-1  出版社:Federal Street Press  作者:Merriam-Webster  页数:364  


Merriam-Webster, Incorporated is America's oldest and most respected publisher of dictionaries and other language reference products. Our staff of full-time lexicographers is the largest in America and our database of more than 16.5 million examples of words used in context is the most extensive in the world. With more than 170 years of accumulated knowledge and expertise this distinguished company represents a tradition that dates back to Noah Webster.


PrefaceConjugation of Spanish VerbsIrregular English VerbsAbbreviations in this WorkSpanish-English DictionaryEnglish-Spanish DictionaryCommon Spanish AbbreviationsSpanish NumbersEnglish Numbers



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