Branding USA No.3 美国品牌设计年鉴No.3

出版时间:2009/05  出版社:GRAPHIS  作者:B. Pedersen  


Branding isn't about getting prospects to choose you over the competition. It's about getting them to see your product as the one and only solution to their problem. An effective brand identity is trustworthy, superior, and memorable, immediately identifiable whether presented in a business card or on an elaborate website. In this book, the follow-up to the breakthrough "Branding USA" and highly successful "Branding USA No. 2", forty cutting-edge design firms spotlight their best work in branding, advertising and promotion, with more than 500 full-color images and informative commentary. "Branding USA No. 3" showcases the remarkable work of the most creative minds in the branding business.




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