
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:科学出版社  作者:李恩华,段功香  页数:453  字数:689000  




Unit1  Nursing and Nurses  Chapter1  General Description of Nursing  Chapter2  Factors Influencing Nursing Practice  Chapter3  Developmental Histories of Nursing  Chapter4  Trends in Nursing PracticeUnit2  Apply the NurSing Process to Nursing  Chapter1  The Nursing Process  Chapter2  Nursing Process Applied to the Nursing ProceduresUnit3  Admitting and Discharging the Patient  Chapter1  Admitting the Patient  Chapter2  Discharging the Patient  Chapter3  Methods of Transferring and MOVingUnit4  Hospital Environment  Chapter1  Factors Affecting Health in Environment  Chapter2  Hospital Environment  Chapter3  Providing ComfOrtable and Safe Environments for Patients  Chapter4  Making Bed and Changing an Occupied BedUnit5  Infection Prevention and Control  Chapter1  Nosocomial Infections  Chapter2  Cleansing,Disinfection and Sterilization  Chapter3  Hand-washing and Disinfection of Hands  Chapter4  Sterile Techniques  Chapter5  Isolation TechniquesUnit6  Vital Signs  Chapter1  Body Temperature  Chapter2  Pulse  Chapter3  Blood Pressure  Chapter4  Respiration  Chapter5  Providing OxygenUnit7  Hygiene Of Patient  Chapter1  Mouth Care  Chapter2  Hair Care  Chapter3  Skin Care  Chapter4  Prevention and Care of Pressure Sore  Chapter5  Perineal Care  Chapter6  Care of Morning and EveningUnit8  Safety and Comfort  Chapter1  Safety  Chapter2  Comfort  Chapter3  PositionsUnit9  Rest,Sleep,and Comfort  Chapter1  Rest  Chapter2  Sleep  Chapter3  The Nursing for Rest and Sleep  Chapter4  ActivityUnit10  Heat and Cold Therapy  Chapter1  Basic Knowledge of Heat and Co1d Therapy  Chapter2  Thermotherapy Applications  Chapter3  Cold APPlicationsUnit11  Food and Nutrition  Chapter1  Food and Health  Chapter2  Patients'Diets  Chapter3  The Nursing for Improving Nutrition  Chapter4  Enteral Nutrition  Chapter5  Parenteral NutritionUnit12  EIimination  Chapter1  Urinary Elimination  Chapter2  Fecal EliminationUnit13  Medications  Chapter1  Basic Knowledge of Medication  Chapter2  Oral Medications  Chapter3  Injections of Drug  Chapter4  Inhalation  Chapter5  Topical MedicationsUnit14  Intravenous Therapy and Blood Transfusion  Chapter1  Intravenous Therapy  Chapter2  B1ood TransfusionsUnit15  Collecting Specimens  Chapter1  Meaning and Prineiples of Collecting Specimens  Chapter2  Sputum Specimens  Chapter3  B1ood Specimens  Chapter4  Urine Specimens  Chapter5  Fecal SpecimensUnit16  Observing the Patient's Condition and Rescuing the Critical Patient  Chapter1  Observing the Patient's Condition  Chapter2  Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation  Chapter3  Stopping the Hemorrhage  Chapter4  Bandages and Binders  Chapter5  Gastric LavageUnit17  HOSpice Care  Chapter1  Overview  Chapter2  Dying  Chapter3  DeathUnit18  Medical Document Writing  Chapter1  Recording and Management of Medical Record  Chapter2  Medical Record WritingReferences


版权页:插图:Consumers for nursing services have become an increasingly effective force in changing nursing practice. On the whole, people have become better educated and have more knowledge about health and illness than in the past. This is in no small measure because of television and the news media. Consumers also have become more aware of the needs of otlhers for care. The ethical and moral issues raised by poverty and neglect have caused people to be more vocal about the needs of minority groups and the poor.The public's concepts of health and nursing have also changed. People now believe that health is a right of all people, not just a privilege of the rich. Peple are bombarded by the me- dia with the message that individuals must assume responsibility for their own health by obtain- ing a physical examination regularly, checking for the seven danger signals Of cancer, and maintaining their mental well-being by balancing work and recreation. Interest in health and nursing services is therefore greater than ever. Furthermore, many people now want more than freedom from disease——they want energy, vitality, and a feeling of wellness.Increasingly, the consumer has become an active participant in making decisions about health and nursing care. Planning committees concerned with providing nursing services to a community have active consumer membership. More and more state and provincial nursing as-sociations have representatives of the community on their governing boards.





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  •   还行。基本是姜安丽版的翻译版,可以看,当课外书拓展视野。
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