
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:科学出版社  作者:甄艳华 编  页数:226  




前言Part One  Paragraph Writing    Unit 1  Introduction to the Paragraph    Unit 2  Paragraph Structure    Unit 3  Effective Paragraphs    Unit 4  Methods of Developing ParagraphsPart Two  Essay Writing    Unit 1  The Basic Structure of an Essay    Unit 2  The Steps of Writing an Essay    Unit 3  Narration    Unit 4  Description    Unit 5  Exposition    Unit 6  Argumentation    Unit 7  Summary and Book ReportPart Three  Thesis Writing    Unit 1  Finding a Topic    Unit 2  Process of Thesis Writing    Unit 3  Strageties of Doing the Research    Unit 4  Mechanics    Unit 5  Documentation SystemsPart Four  Practical Writing    Unit 1  Job-related Practical Writing    Unit 2  Office Daily Routines' Writing    Unit 3  Business Writing    Unit 4  Business Letters    Unit 5  Business Reports    Unit 6  Business ContractsAppendix I  Correction SysbolsAppendix II  Answers to Selected ExercisesReferences


  An essay:also called a theme or a composition,refers to a variety of nonfiction prose of varying length and purpose,whose common aim is usually to express a writer’s viewpOint Or reasoned opinion on a topic.  The structure of an essay on the page is as follows:title,introduction:body:and conclusion.Notice that the title is the first thing written on the page ofan essay.It is written in the upper part of the page and centered.  Writers of books and essays need to come up with an idea about something when they set out to write.When they have those two things,a subject and an idea about that subject.they have whats commonly known as a thesis,or a main idea.The subject“Tourism Industry”,for instaIlce,Just cant sere as the thesis of an essay because it is too broad.But“The History of Tourism Industry”or “The Influence of Market Economy on Tourism Industry”or“Is Tourism Expanding After Chinas Entry into WTO?”all make fine essay titles.  A title should have the following functions:  ①It should show what the essay is about;  ②It should arouse the interest in the essay;  ③It shouldbebrief;  ④It is often a sentence fragment.  As it points out,a standard composition consists of three main parts:introduction (the opening part),body(the developing part)and conclusion(the closing part).



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