
出版时间:2012-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:Live ABC  页数:364  






Never mind.
No joke.
No kidding?
No thanks.
No way.
Right on.
Shut up.
So what?
That figures.
That's it.
Watch out.
What's up?
You what?
Your call.
You're kidding.
Better than nothing.
Catch you later.
Check this out.
Count me out.
Cut it out.
Deal me in.
Don't be silly.
Get in here.
Go for it.
Have a ball.
Have at it.
Hold your horses.
How'd it go?
l hear you.
Are you seeing anyone?
Believe it or not.
l'm all ears.
ln due time.
ln good time.
ln no time.
lt's a deal.
l've had it.
Just do it.
Let it be.
Let me guess.
Let's get going.
No can do.
That sounds good.
That was close.
That's a relief.
Way to go.
We blew it.
Welcome on board.
What the heck!
Whatever you say.
What's his problem?
What's it do?
What's the catch?
What's your hurry?
What's your secret?
You're all set.
You've got it.
You've got me.
Don't be a chicken.
Don't blow a gasket.
Don't jerk my chain.
Give it a shot.
Give me a break.
Have it your way.
He's on the way.
l blew him off.
l have no idea.
l see your point.
lf you say so.
l'll stick by you.
l'll tell on you.
l'm gonna lose it.
lt serves you right.
lt's Greek to me.
Now that you ask…
She's quite with it.
So, what'll it be?
Tell me about it.
That is highway robbery.
That'll be the day.
The pleasure is mine.
What can you do?
What did l say?
What's the big deal?
What's your gut reaction(to this idea)?
You bought into that?
You look like hell.
You must be mad.
Come to think of it.
Don't try to brownnose me.
How can you say that?
How did you do that?
l give you my word.
lt was no big deal.
lt wasn't difficult, was it?
lt's a piece of cake.
lt's about time we go.
lt's none of your business.
lt's nothing to brag about.
Let's call it a day.
Make a long story short.
What are you talking about?
What planet is he from?
What's with the long face?
You can say that again.
Your wish is my command.
Don't you think l know that?
l don't know what to say.
lt's no skin off my nose.
Let me get my head together.
Let me put it this way.
That's easy for you to say.
What do you have in mind?
You can quote me on that.
Ain't that a kick in the head?
Don't knock it till you've tried it.
l don't have any time at all.
l never thought of it that way.
Just forget about it and move on.
Looks like l owe you an apology.
What's on your agenda for the weekend?
When l see it,l'll believe it.
Your guess is as good as mine.
I can do without all the mumbo jumbo.
l can't believe the nerve of that guy.
l didn't know you had it in you.
What can you give me on this news?
How dare you talk back to me like that!
lt took everything l had to keep my cool.




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  •   我的英语是70年代从学“Long live Chireman Mao”开始的。此后若干次放下,又若干次狂做习题、突击记忆重新拾起,并且通过了N次职称、学问考试。收传统英语教育的贻误,所学的基本属于哑巴英语,而且远离生活,而且现在基本上都淡忘了。呵呵。翻看了下《生活口语关键句》,感觉很震撼,也非常有趣,完全颠覆了20来年英语学习的所闻。比如,不客气居然可以用ANYTIME,小心可以用LOOK OUT......所以,很喜欢这本书
  •   挺实用的一本书~`而且便于携带
  •   很实用,比起课本好多了,很地道,感觉真正在学英文。学校学了十几年的英文都没这实用啊。
  •   书很不错,以前看过,,,物流很好。
  •   大小适中,有光碟,句句都重要,都常见。

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