
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:(美)弗若赞,(美)费甘 编  页数:384  字数:495000  






作者:(美国)弗若赞(Forouzan B.A.) (美国)费甘(Fegan S.C.)


Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1 The Computer as a Black Box
1.2 von Neumann Model
1.3 Computer Hardware
1.4 Data
1.5 Computer Software
1.6 History
1.7 Key Terms
1.8 Summary
1.9 Practice Set
Chapter 2 Data Representation
2.1 ata Types
2.2 Data inside the Computer
2.3 Representing data
2.4 Hexadecimal Notation
2.5 Octal Notation
2.6 Key Terms
2.7 Summary
2.8 Practice Set
Chapter 3 Number Representation
3.1 Desimal and Binary
3.2 Conversion
3.3 Lnteger Representation
3.4 Excess System
3.5 Floating-Representation
3.6 Hexadecimal Notation
3.7 Key Terms
3.8 Summary
3.9 Practice Set
Chapter 4 Operations On Bits
4.1 Arithmetic Operations
4.2 Logical Operations
4.3 Shift Operations
4.4 Key Terms
4.5 Summary
4.6 Practice Set
Chapter 5 Computer Organization
5.1 Central Processing Unit(CPU)
5.2 Main Memory
5.3 Input/Output
5.4 Subsystem Interconnection
5.5 Program Execution
5.6 Two Different Architectures
5.7 Key Terms
5.8 Summary
5.9 Practice Set
Chapter 6 Computer Networks
6.1 Networks,Large and Small
6.2 OSI Model
6.3 Categoies of Networks
6.4 Connecting Devices
6.5 The Internet and TCP/IP
6.6 Key Terms
6.7 SUmmary
6.8 practice Set
Chapter 7 Operating Systems
7.1 Definition
7.2 Evolution
7.3 Compunents
7.4 Popular Operating Systens
7.5 Key Terms
7.6 SUmmary
7.7 Practice Set
Chapter 8 Algorithms
8.1 Concept
8.2 Three Constructs
8.3 Algorithm Representation
8.4 More Formal Definition
8.5 Subalgorithms
8.6 Basic Algorithms
8.7 Recursion
8.8 Key Terms
8.9 Summary
8.10 Practice Set
Chapter 9 Programming Languages
9.1 Evolution
9.2 Building a Program
9.3 Program Execution
9.4 Categories of Languages
9.5 A Procedural :anguage:C
9.6 Key Terms
9.7 Summary
9.8 Practice Set
Chapter 10 Software Engineering
10.1 Software Life Cycle
10.2 Development Process Models
10.3 Modularity
10.4 Quality
10.5 Documentation
10.6 Key Terms
10.7 Summary
10.8 Practice Set
Chapter 11 Data Structures
11.1 Arrays
11.2 Resords
11.3 Linked Lists
11.4 Key Terms
11.5 Summary
11.6 Practice Set
Chapter 12 Abstract Data Types
12.1 Background
12.2 Linear Lists
12.3 Stacks
12.4 Queues
12.5 Trees
12.6 Binary Trees
12.7 Graphs
12.8 Key Terms
12.9 Summary
12.10 Practice Set
Chapter 13 File Structuers
13.1 Acdess Methods
13.2 Sequential Files
13.3 Indexed Files
13.4 Hashed Files
13.5 Text versus Binary
13.6 Key Terms
13.7 Summary
13.8 Practice Set
Chapter 14 Databases
14.1 Database Management System
14.2 Auchitecture
14.3 Database Models
14.4 Relatioang Model
14.5 Operations Relations
14.6 Structured Query Language
14.7 Other Database Models
14.8 Key Terms
14.9 Summary
14.10 Practice Set
Chapter 15 Data Compression
15.1 Lossless Compression
15.2 Lossy Compression Methods
15.3 Key Terms
15.4 Summary
15.5 Practice Set
Chapter 16 Security
16.1 Privacy
16.2 Digital Signature
16.3 Key Terms
16.4 Summary
16.5 Practice Set
Chapter 17 Theory Computation
17.1 Simple Languge
17.2 turing Machine
17.3 Godel Numbers
17.4 Halting Problem
17.5 Solvable and Unsolvable Problems
17.6 Key Terms
17.7 Summary
17.8 practic Set


版权页:   插图:   preface Welcome to computer science!You are about to start the exploration of a wonderful andexciting world that offers many challenging and exciting careers.Computers play a largepart in our everyday lives and will continue to do so in the future. Computer science is a young discipline that is evolving and progressing.Computer net works have connected people from far flung points of the globe.Virtual reality is creatingthree.dimensional images that amaze the eyes.Space exploration owes part of its success to computers.Computer created special effects have changed the movie industry.And comouters have olaved imoortant roles in zenetics. 1. Input first data item into memory. 2.Input second data item into menmory. 3.Add the tow together and store the result in memory. 4.Output the result. Program Figure 1.7 Program made of instructions combines these instructions to make any number of programs.Each program can be adifferent combination of different instructions. ALGORITHMS The previous requirement made programming possible,but it brought another dimension to using a computer.A programmer must not only learn the hask done by eachinstruction but also lealn how to combine these instructions to do a particular task.Looking at this issue differenfly,a programmer should first solve the problem in a stepbystep manner and then try to find the appropriate instruction(or serles of instructions)that solves the problem.The step.bvstep solution is called an algorithm.Algorithms play a very important role in computer science and are discussed in Chapter 8. LANGUAGES At the beginning of the computer age,there was no computer language.Programmerswrote instructions(using binary patterns)to solve a problem.However,as programsbecame larger,writing long programs using these patterns became tedious.Computerscientists carrie up witll the idea of using symbols to represent binary patterns,iust aspeople use symbols(words)for commands in daily life.But of course,the symbolsused in daily life are different from those used in computers.So the concept of computer languages was born.A natural language(e.g.,English)is a rich language and hasmany rules to combine words correctly;a computer language,on the other handhas amore limited number of symbols and also a limited number of words.You will studycomputer languages in Chapter 9.






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  •   本书对计算机的介绍较为详细,内容也浅显易懂,适于初学者阅读。只是排版不是很好,全英文,读起来较费劲

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