
出版时间:2005-4  出版社:高等教育  作者:张克礼  页数:169  字数:200000  


  《新英语语法练习册》(第二版)是配合《新英语语法》(A New Engli shGraromar)(第二版)(张克礼编著)而编写的,因此和语法书一样,也采用了最新的当代英语语法的理论、观点和术语。  本书紧扣《新英语语法》(第二版)的讲授内容,使练习起到巩固已学知识的作用。练习难度有难有易,适合不同水平的使用者。题型多样,量大面广。有客观试题,如多项选择和辨认错误等,也有主观试题,如英文释义、歧义分析、短语连句等。除实用性较强的试题外,还有很多理论性较强的试题,如辨认完全/部分同位、严格/微弱同位、限制/非限制同位,说出附加状语、下加状语、外加状语和连加状语的特点等。本书的很多练习配合《新英语语法》初稿的讲授,已在教学中试用多年,深受广大师生的欢迎。  在本次修订中,本练习册根据《新英语语法》(第二版)内容的改动也进行了一定的调整。主要增加了一些实用的练习题。在Ch.10中增加了Ex.Ⅱ及其答案;在Appendixes中增加了Test(Ⅲ)及其答案。其次,Ch.13中的Ex.Ⅶ,Ch.14中的Ex.I,Ch.20中的Ex.Ⅲ和Ch.24中的Ex.Ⅵ各增加了若干小练习题及其答案。此外,Ch.3中的Ex.Ⅴ移至Ch.12作Ex.Ⅷ。  本书共24章,约150个练习,约3300道题。3个测试共有35个大题,约530道小题。这3个测试各有所侧重:Test(Ⅰ)涉及的8章理论问题较多,Test(Ⅱ)涉及的7章理论问题较少,Test(Ⅲ)涉及的9章主要侧重应用。本练习册可作为高等院校英语专业学生和硕士研究生语法教材,也可供考研、考级、考托福者和英语教师参考。


《新英语语法练习册》(第二版)是配合《新英语语法》(A New English Grammar)(第二版)(张克礼编著)而编写的练习册。全书共24章,各章练习与语法书各章讲解的内容相呼应,使练习起到巩固已学知识的作用。全书共有3300道练习题和约530道测试练习题。    书后备有参考答案和3套参考测试练习。


Chapter1  Grammar Structure and MeaningChapter2  NounsChapter3  DeterminersChapter4  PronounsChapter5  Main VerbsChapter6  Tenses and Aspects of Finite VerbsChapter7  The Passive Voice and the Subjunctive MoodChapter8  Auxiliary VerbsChapter9  Nonfinite Verbs and Nonfinite ClausesChapter10  AdjectivesChapter11  AdverbsChapter12  Prepositions and ConjunctionsChapter13  Negation and NonassertionChapter14  Clauses and SentencesChapter15  Wh-ClausesChapter16  Coordination and SubordinationChapter17  Subjects and Subject ComplementsChapter18  Relative ClausesChapter19  Objects and Object ComplementsChapter20  ModifieersChapter21  AdverbialsChapter22  ConcordChapter23  Fronting lnversion and PostponementChapter24  Substitution and EllipsisSUGGESTED ANSWERSAPPENDIXES  Test(I)  Test(II)  Test(III)  Test(I):Suggested Answers  Test(II): Suggested Answers  Test(III):Suggested Answers


  Ⅱ. Choose the correct item or items in each sentence:  1. He didnt say (to whom he gave the money / whom he gave the money to).  2. I dont know (on whose authority you say that / whose authority yousay that on).  3. He doesnt say (by what reasoning he arrived at that conclusion / whatreasoning he arrived at that conclusion by).  4. They ate (what they paid for / for what they paid).  5. I asked (to whom she should turn for help / whom she should turn to forhelp ).  6. "At what are you looking? / What are you looking at?" he asked.  7. I have a book (in which to write my notes / which to write my notes in).  8. (In case of / In the case of) fire, summon the fire brigade.  9. Poverty depresses most people; (in case of / in the case of) my fatherit was otherwise.  10. (At the back of / On the back of) the house there was a large garden.  11. (At the back of / On the back of) the letter was a diagram.  12. A crowd gathered (in front of / in the front of) the Town Hall.  13. There was a large hole (in front of / in the front of) the building.  14. He gets commission, (on top of / on the top of) his salary.  15. The gale, (on top of / at top of) the floods, caused a great deal ofdevastation in the countryside.  16. Start reading (at top of / at the top of) the page.  17. Do the trains run (on time / in time) here?  18. Will you be home (on time / in time) to see the children before they goto bed?  19. With five hungry children seated round the table, the food disappeared(in no time / at no time).  20. (In no time / At no time) have I seen such a good film.  21. (On Tuesday / Tuesday) will be fine.  22. This dress seems (in the wardrobe / out of fashion).  23. They seem (in good health / in the garden).  24. He cannot be (in possession of / in the possession of) his senses, toact in that manner.  25. All the deeds are (in possession of / in the possession of) my solicitor.  26. This is a case (to keep / for keeping) records in.



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